Our Thoughts Are Being Controlled Now More Than Ever

For years we have been warned big tech is controlling what we see and hear. This is called filter bubbles, an online world that promotes what we already like. A world where we only see what we are meant to see.

As time passed, this aggressive tactic has now transformed into removing content from big tech platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google. They call this “fact checking” and preventing “hate speech”.

In reality, those are just fancy words that are used to justify the silence of free speech. Just weeks ago, the world was abuzz when Twitter blocked a NY Post article about Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son.

That is censorship.

The irony here, I already planned to write this article before that news story broke. In fact, I am going to share with you some other news stories in the last week or two alone that show just how bad censorship is getting in “the land of free speech”.

Facebook Bans Christian Org

With no explanation, Facebook deleted the page of the Restored Hope Network which is,

“A coalition of Christian ministries, pastors, and counselors in the US committed to serving those seeking Christ-centered answers for sexual and relational problems.”

Life Site News

Prior to this, Facebook had been censoring their content for allegedly promoting “conversion therapy”.

Amazon Blocks Pro-Life Video

Amazon decided to remove a pro-life film from its platform. The reason? Poor customer reviews. Guess what, the reviews were mostly 5 stars. In fact, the movie,

“Has over 340 reviews on Amazon, most of them – 90% – are five star reviews,” filmmaker Marcus Pittman said. ‘I was trying to figure out what about the reviews would make them determine it was not suitable for Amazon Prime.”


Mr. Pittman, it was the Christian perspective.

YouTube Banned Farrakhan

YouTube removed the channel of Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam. We all know what Farrakhan believes. He has been around forever, those who do not care what he had to say tuned him out.

That is not good enough these days. YouTube said,

“We have strict policies prohibiting hate speech on YouTube, and terminate any channel that repeatedly or egregiously violates those policies,” said the statement.


That’s why ISIS, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter all have social media accounts still. YouTube lies.

Facebook Bans QAnon

In another clear sign of a crack down on free speech, or inconvenient speech, Facebook removed all QAnon accounts from their platforms.

Starting today (Oct. 6th), we will remove (QAnon) Facebook Pages, Groups and Instagram accounts.


Now the Farrakhan and QAnon movements are both out in left field, but they still have a right to say what they want, just as the radical lefties do.

Unfortunately, many a good Christian have become wrapped into the latest distraction, QAnon.

Wikipedia Bans Traditional Marriage Support

Wikipedia banned the use of “userboxes” that denoted support for traditional marriage in the profile of their editors.

I know, you are wondering why…

The claim was made, pro-traditional marriage userboxes violate their code of conduct, which states,

Userboxes must not be inflammatory or divisive. Wikipedia is not an appropriate place for propaganda, advocacy, or recruitment of any kind, commercial, political, religious, or otherwise, opinion pieces on current affairs or politics, self-promotion, or advertising.”

Life Site News

So stating the obvious, that marriage is between a man and woman is divisive, and here I thought it was natural.

Silly me!

Twitter Joins Facebook In Banning Holocaust Denial On Platform

Cnet reports,

Twitter will start removing Holocaust-denial content from its social media platform under its hateful-conduct policy, a report Wednesday said. The move comes two days after Facebook updated its hate-speech policy to prohibit “content that denies or distorts the Holocaust.”

In reality, this is more censorship that keeps anyone from discussing additional information about this important event.

While the holocaust happened, there are some very interesting aspects to be considered here. When one calculates the amount of time the holocaust lasted and factor in how many were killed, the official numbers do not add up. Further, Christians and untold others were also killed, but their story is never told.

Twitter Purges Tweet From Top Trump Health Advisor Saying Masks Don’t Work

NBC adds to the brainwashing by stating,

Twitter on Sunday removed a tweet from one of President Donald Trump’s top Covid-19 advisers, which falsely claimed that masks don’t work to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

The facts are the facts people.

The CDC has admitted several times now, face masks do not help prevent the spread of COVID and may even be harmful to you. You can read all about it here: CDC, WHO And Scientific Journals Admit Face Masks Are Not Effective, Maybe Harmful.

This all goes beyond just big tech, even at the government level.

U.S. Seizes 92 Iranian Domain Names

Yes, this even involves Iran.

We are told, in an effort to stop the spread of misinformation, the U.S. Justice Department seized 92 websites it said were used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (a wing of their military) to spread “disinformation”.

As you can see my friends, “disinformation” is anything that does not go in line with the global agenda.

Canadian Cabinet Member Ousted For Pro-Life Post

Canada removed cabinet member Patterk Netser from his portfolio for making a comment on Facebook. The comment in question, dare I say it, referenced Black Lives Matter and opposed abortion.

Netser wrote,

All lives matter. Just thinking out loud. I wonder how many Black ladies go through abortion and at what stage of the gestation? Are they not lives too?

All of this goes to show us, if you think, eventually social media will ban you.

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