‘Sharpiegate’ In Arizona

Brave World Events and the Bible readers, what a disaster we have on our hands. We are being conditioned to hate everybody at this point. We are being conditioned to believe anything that comes from the mouth of the mainstream, social media, and our politicians.

Friends, we have a weapon we can use against them, it’s called common sense. I bring this up due to…


In Arizona we have reports of ‘Sharpiegate’ as some are calling it. Supposedly, ballots marked with a sharpie marker were not being counted, and apparently…

Only Trump supporters use sharpies to mark their ballots.

Ah, the insanity my friends.

As it turns out, ballots marked with a sharpie marker are counted according to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.

“People who voted by mail could use Sharpies, or blue and black pens. Our Elections Department has been communicating this public for weeks.”

AZ Central

So it’s been known for weeks now, ballots marked with sharpies are counted. So all this huff is just more distractions and confusion to rile the people up.

For heavens sake people.

Do you really think only Trump supporters used sharpies to mark their ballots? Does our brain no longer function for thought processing?

Man, I think I have heard of everything at this point.

By the way, who uses a sharpie for a ballot?

Black ink people.

You know what the ironic part in all of this is for me?

A Side Thought

The liberal mainstream media is giving Trump more credit than Fox News! If you look at the electoral maps for ABC, NBC, and CNN you will see Biden has less electoral votes than Fox News allocates for him.

Who really cares, I just thought it was funny myself since Fox claims to be for the right side of things (look which family owns Fox News). In reality folks, none of them are for you. They are all about confusion and distractions. That is all we are getting from them.

Meanwhile, America is once again becoming a mockery before the entire world. This is all a part of our downfall my friends, and you cannot blame it all on the Democrats. That is just division tactics of the mainstream media.

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