The Election Chaos

The clouds of chaos have come over the land due to the 2020 Elections. There are reports of voter fraud once again, only this time, it is being elevated more than ever before. Friends, this is a setup, one that has been in the works for a very long time.

Some of you may have trouble with that statement. The best way I can explain it is like this…

Looking At The Past To Understand The Present

In our article, Signs, Seasons And The Escalation Of Events In 2016 we said,

America is not keeping its culture, it is being destroyed by the government we support with our tax dollars. A government that has become overbearing and dictates to us our rights when our rights have already been inked into the Constitution.

America, you see and understand this. You have said our government is the biggest problem facing Americans today. 42% of you have said we need to ditch the two-party system and Americans now hate the government more than ever. What many do not understand is our government has been hijacked by the wicked, by globalists who seek to destroy our nation.

Years ago we discussed the globalists plan to bring down the entire global financial system and by that time the people will hate their governments so much they will beg for the new world order government that will be presented to them.

That is the heart of the issue at this very hour.

The goal of the enemy is to keep the people so divided among political and other aspects of life that they will never be able to stand together. They will be divided against political party, against race, and everything else under the sun. The enemy’s goal has worked perfectly.

2017: Rule By Brute Force: The True Nature Of Government

These past quotes I have shared with you have been one of our core messages to you since the beginning of this site. When you cut through all the bull, this is what really matters, this is what it’s all about.

We Are Going Down Hill

No matter your political affiliation, how much faith do you have in the voting system in our nation now?

What is happening right now is despicable, on all fronts, and by all. It truly feels like America is quite literally on thin ice. Right in the middle of the biggest hoax in world history, the COVID-19 pandemic.

We now have a fight over the elections in the most powerful nation on earth. All when the world is trying to come together with their latest global initiative… The Great Reset.

That is no coincidence, and we have no friends in this. No one on earth is in our corner.

Only God, only God.

Remember our post, This Is Not Going Away?

That continues to ring true more and more by the day. The crises that continue to develop are not going away, and will only continue to build and compound. That is extremely evident at this point.

Friends, stay strong, stay confident, and keep your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as we continue to watch these world events unfold.

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