Israel Just Turned The Middle East Into A Powder Keg 

The recipe for another catastrophe isn’t simmering, it’s boiling.

The war in Gaza has already spilled into the wider region. We’ve all seen the news headlines, in recent weeks, the Houthis in Yemen have hijacked Israeli ships or attacked them. This was in response to Israel’s aggression in Gaza.

Yes, aggression.

Whoa, Nellie…

Now, hold on a second, before you go ape on me, do me a quick favor…

Stop looking at the Israel-Gaza war through the lens of your faith, it’s clouding your perception of reality. Please, just for a moment. Thank you.

We all know Israel was attacked by Hamas, and we all know it was a dirty deed. However, at what point does retaliation become bloody vengeance? If we’re honest with ourselves, Israel crossed that line months ago.

Just look at the mounting death toll in Gaza…

Source: UN

I know, I know, the Israelis need to wipe out Hamas, including all the Palestinian civilians who are “Hamas.” I mean, that’s what Israel would like for you to believe. In fact, look what an Israeli government minister just said,

“We must find ways for Gazans that are more painful than death.”


So then, is Israel trying to get rid of Hamas, or all of the Palestinians?

Mind you, this is the same character who recently said Israel should drop a nuke on Gaza.


I point these things out so you separate politics from your faith. In the days we find ourselves in, you have to do that — at least for this subject — or your perception of reality will be off-kilter.

All right, let me tell you what else is boiling over in the greater Middle East…

Don’t Call It A Comeback…

Four days ago, 103 people were killed and 188 injured in Iran.

So what happened?

A memorial was being held for assassinated Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani. During the service, bombs went off killing and injuring the innocents.


Talk about rubbing salt in the wound.

Ahh, but here’s the best part, if such a thing can be said…

The United States is blaming the bombing on… ISIS.

No, I’m not kidding.

In fact, according to news reports, ISIS is making a comeback like LL Cool J.


According to “a senior U.S. administration official,”

“I think, just based on the M.O., it does look like a terrorist attack as a type of thing we’ve seen ISIS do in the past. And as far as we’re aware, that’s kind of, I think, our going assumption at the moment.”


But I thought we decimated and destroyed ISIS?

It’s just like any good scary movie, the zombie always manages to come back for one last scare. No matter how many bullets you dump into his carcass.

Anyway, there you have it, so expect to hear more headlines about ISIS, again.

P.S. Since we have short memories, the Wall Street Journal told us back in 2022 that ISIS was making a comeback. Ahh you know how that goes, some comebacks fissle, so try, try, try again!

Oh, and just in case you think Israel had something to do with it, let me just stamp that out quick like…

Don’t Blame The Jews

U.S. National Security Council coordinator John Kirby said,

We have no indication that Israel was in any way involved in this. We certainly had no indications that there would be some sort of violence surrounding the anniversary of [Soleimani’s] death.”

That’s right, because if the U.S. knew Israel was involved, they’d blab to the world about it.

You know I’m being facetious, right?

Who do these people think they’re kidding?

I know, I know, Sudan did it, cause they have a real axe to grind with Iran.

Get real people!

Israel or the United States just poked Iran in the eye, again.

The goal here is to open a wider war. Remember the Brookings Report? In fact, several Israeli publications have mentioned and quoted Israeli leaders that their ultimate goal should be to attack the head, which is Iran.

There’s more…

Just the other day, several top Iranian commanders were killed at an airport in Damascus.

But hey, Israel didn’t do it, it was the Zimbabweans I tells ya!

Yes, there’s even more…

And now it’s time to get serious…

Israel Strikes Lebanon, Is That Gaza?

“An Israeli strike on south Lebanon on Monday killed a senior commander in Hezbollah’s elite Radwan force, three security sources told Reuters.”


Finally, the media admits this one.

But hey, look what’s happening…

The enemies of Israel are being attacked. Truth be told, they’re being poked in the eye. Israel just attacked a sovereign nation, again.

What does that have to do with Gaza?

Someone, please tell me…

By the way, this wasn’t a one-off.

Copy-Paste Gaza Devastation To Beirut

A couple of weeks ago, the Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant said,

“What we’re doing in Gaza, we can also do in Beirut.”

Just the other day, Gallant added,

“They see what is happening in Gaza. They know we can copy-paste to Beirut.”

Times of Israel

Crude in a nerdy sort of way.

Then, the Israeli defense minister delivers the layup…

“My basic view: We are fighting an axis, not a single enemy. Iran is building up military power around Israel in order to use it.”

If I had a buck every time I heard that line, I’d be loaded!

Remember, the media has been telling you since 1979 that Iran was thisclose to a nuclear bomb. Folks, this is all propaganda driven by fear to drive an agenda.

Look, I tried telling Christians not to support the Israeli war, or the Ukrainian war.

Do you honestly think Jesus Christ would support any government of man in war?

Heck no!

Instead, Jesus is going to show up with His Armies, and wipe them ALL off the map, (Revelation 19:14).

Hello kitty!

But now it’s too late…

We’ve shown no resistance to war. Instead, we have supported the wars for this reason or that reason, now look where we are…

A Wider Conflict

The potential for wider conflict is growing, officials said, following a series of confrontations in Iraq, Lebanon and Iran over the past several days. Those have convinced some in the administration that the war in Gaza has officially escalated far beyond the strip’s borders — a scenario the U.S. has tried to avoid for months.”


Hello kitty!

So the United States is preparing for a wider conflict.

Who saw that coming?

We did!

Come on, that was the plan the entire time.

The U.S. and Israel have been licking their chops for some Iranian blood for decades.

But hey, officially, this is what they’re saying…

“President Biden has dispatched his top aides to the Middle East with a critical objective: Prevent a full-blown war from erupting between Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.”


Guess who the top aid is?

Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The dude has been there four times already.

As the Israeli Haaretz newspaper tells it,

That about sums it up.

Look, the world would not be on the verge of a “full-blown war” if the United States butted out of other people’s business.

You do realize that?

You do realize the only reason Israel has been able to kill 22,000+ Gazaians is due to U.S. support. I’m talking about our aircraft, our missiles, our bullets. Israel solely relies on U.S. aid to fight, without it, they’d be incapacitated.

Without it, there would be 22,000 more people alive.

I want you to consider all of that.

God never told you to support a war, especially one of a foreign power.

Your Lens Of Faith

Now, this is where you can’t help but look through the lens of your faith. You’ve been told the Jews are God’s chosen people, and we must support them. Where on earth did that notion even come from?

The Book of Genesis, let’s read it together…

Genesis 12:3
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

There’s just one problem brothers and sisters…

God was talking to Abraham, not the Jews.

I don’t care how many pastors distort that verse, God was not talking about Jews. In fact, there was no such thing as a Jew back then, and Abraham certainly wasn’t one of them. He was a Hebrew, not a Jew. I know it’s kinda close, but no cigar my friends.

So it’s time we started getting our Christianity straight around here.

  • It’s time we started asking some questions.
  • It’s time we started questioning what it is we believe to begin with.

Otherwise, we’re going to keep stepping into the booble traps the world, and false prophets keep setting before us. As the New Testament plainly tells us, Christians are God’s chosen people. That’s just what Scripture says, either you believe God’s word or some religious joker.

That’s up to you, but let me leave you with one last question…

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