Our Fearful World, How To Overcome It

The world is filled with fear and doom, isn’t it?

It seems like we can’t get through a single day of fear before the next one rears its ugly head.

What am I talking about?

Just about everything.

  • There’s fear over AI.
  • There’s fear over the wars.
  • There’s fear over the climate.
  • There’s fear over the elections.
  • There’s fear over the economy.

It’s like mankind can never find the good in anything. Instead, we’re always looking for the bad in everything. We want to know what bad things are coming. We want to know who’s pushing the bad in our direction. Then we want to point our finger at them, and blame the world’s problems on them.

I suppose it makes some people feel better.

But this fixation on bad things…

This fixation on fear and negatives is terrible for our frame of mind.

You do realize that?

I mean, how can you function as a person under a constant load of fear?

You can’t and you won’t.

Ohh, don’t get me wrong.

You can function, but in a dilapidated state.

If you didn’t have all that fear to load around, you could be a much better, stronger, and wiser individual. Ahh, don’t say it doesn’t affect you, it does, it affects everyone. That’s why the world is such a hell hole these days. I mean, nothing gets better spiritually and morally speaking. It’s just a race to the bottom.

The news doesn’t help.

News on the left or right for that matter.

None of it helps.

All it does is keep us in fear and keep us playing someone else’s game.

Look, it’s good to know what’s going on in the world. I mean, Hello, you’re reading World Events and the Bible. However, things are always presented to us in a negative light.

From all angles.


You know what I’m talking about.

Some of it depends on the realm we reside in.

What’s that mean?

Let me give you an example…

We all know Tesla is building these robots. All of the technology in our generation is a great achievement for mankind. As with anything in life, it can be used for good or evil.

So I found this video of a Tesla bot folding a t-shirt.

That’s right, soon Mom will be put out of business.

Anyway, the robot folds up the shirt — though Mom could have done better.

Scary stuff right?

Well, a doomish Christian website got ahold of the video and just had to tie it into the “Mark of the Beast.” The site peddles fear, it always peddles fear. Don’t bother asking me the name, it’s secret squirrel stuff.

Then, this week, the fear-o-meter ticked up several notches. In Davos, the World Economic Forum is holding their annual meeting. On the agenda, chatter about “Disease X.” It’s a hypothetical disease that could cause “20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.”

  • Could…
  • Might…
  • Maybe…

Equals fear.

Don’t even get me started on this one. Covid had a 99.9% survival rate, it was hardly a world shattering event. Yet, the politicians of the time locked down the world, fast tracked experimental vaccines, and rushed them to the masses. It caused issues, you know the saga.

Ironically enough, the same politicians are still around in America.

That’s another story…

So look, in one regard, I get it…

The big wigs need to have contingency plans in case the unexpected happens. The world is extremely connected these days, and a truly dangerous virus could wipe a lot of people out.

But folks, let’s all be real here…

Is anyone trusting these boys with their healthcare after the Covid fiasco?

I didn’t think so.

So while conversations are good, the fear around them is not, and boy I see headlines about “Disease X” from every news outlets and bunker doomer there is.

Both of the examples I just provided about fear are no different than the economist on TV saying “economic collapse,” or the anchor shouting, “climate change!”

It’s all based on fear and triggering a fearful response from little ol you.

So what’s my point in all of this?

Let me tell you…

Aren’t you a Christian?

The Christian faithful nod.

Well then, why are you so fearful?

The Christian faithful shrug.

Look my friends, the Bible never called us to be fearful.

You do realize that?

Hold onto your hats, I’m about to open the Bible…

2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Do you see that?

God did not give us a spirit of fear, but that’s what the world offers.

It offers fear about everything in life.

Except there’s one problem, God said don’t buy into it.

God said He gave you a spirit filled with “power,” “love,” and “a sound mind,” not fear.

What else does the Bible say about fear?

Let me show you.

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

“Fear hath torment.”

That’s all fear does, it brings torment into our lives. That’s why “He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” You can’t be a good Christian and love other folks if you live in fear.


When you fear, you’re mad about this or that.

You’re upset with globalists all the time or focusing on their agenda and whatnot.

Essentially, fear takes you off your Christian game of focusing on Jesus Christ and spreading His Word into the world. I mean, as Christians, that’s our goal, it’s the great commission that Jesus gave us. He never said be fearful or constantly worry about the motives of the world’s “elite.”

I know there’s someone out there right now saying, that’s not true.

Ohh yes it is, let wisdom speak…

Proverbs 29:25
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

Fear is a trap.

If you’re always focused on the world’s problems, then you are living in fear, which is a trap to your Christian soul. Living in fear is not catching the news and pondering the world’s ills. Living in fear is intently focusing and delving into minute aspects of the world’s ills.

At this point, I hope you’re starting to see my point.

The world never offers you hope and joy, does it?


Only God does that.

Some of you are now thinking, but I just can’t shake the fear.

Yes you can.

Stop living in it, stop inviting fear into your life.

Then I want you to do what Psalms 34:4 says,

I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”

Brothers and sisters, it always goes back to you and God.

It always goes back to you shutting the door of fear, and opening the door to our Heavenly Father.

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