Pfizer Says COVID-19 Vaccine Is Looking 90% Effective

Well, if you are Pfizer this was fantastic news. Apparently, if you are a stockholder it was as well. Do you know the market popped 1,600 points yesterday on this news?

How exactly does a vaccine increase the value of companies like Ford or IBM?

I am still trying to figure that one out.

Alright, let’s get a clip from the AP on this story.

Pfizer Inc. said Monday that its COVID-19 vaccine may be a remarkable 90% effective, based on early and incomplete test results that nevertheless brought a big burst of optimism to a world desperate for the means to finally bring the catastrophic outbreak under control.


So we have early and incomplete test results that say the record to production vaccine is 90% effective.

Does that not bother anyone else?

I tell you what, I will skip this jab, it’s not going to happen. By the way, since we are thinking people..

Ask Questions

  • Why are we not asking more questions here?
  • Do we really need a vaccine to begin with?
  • Should Christians accept vaccines which typically use aborted fetal cells to produce them?

We have a lot of fear and paranoia in our world these days. We are constantly told a vaccine is the only way back to normal. We could go back to normal right this instant if we have good men and woman in power, but we don’t. Instead, we allowed the enemy to sweet talk us and this is where we are.

COVID Is About Controlling The People

All this talk about a vaccine is just a distraction. COVID-19 is not the deadly virus it has been made out to be. Yes, it has killed people. But folks, the CDC said you have a 99.98% survival rate from COVID, IF you even get the virus.

  • So why are we locked down then?
  • Why are we being told a vaccine is our only savior?

Once again the news is abounding that COVID-19 cases are on the rise. We all knew this was coming and we all know its flu season as well. Folks, the numbers are being manipulated.

This is all about control.

We are being controlled for a desired outcome. I feel this is all leading us to a new world order. It will not be tomorrow, but we are well on our way.

Look at our nation, how it has become so divided. In fact, that is what the blabber is all about in the mainstream media. Fox News has even gone radical left if you ask me. I am not surprised, but many of you might be. Remember who owns Fox.

Just hold tight, continue to hold that line for common sense, and more importantly, Jesus Christ.

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