2020 Elections Slap God In The Face

The subversion of truth is now becoming so bold, it has confirmed for many of us what we feel is occurring in our world. Christianity is kicked in the teeth, while those who rebel against it are promoted.

What am I talking about?

The Rainbow Wave” as some are calling it.

Do you realize 1,006 LGBT+ candidates just ran for office?

That is the most ever. In fact, this represents a 41% increase over the 2018 midterm elections.

Delaware elected two LGBT candidates.

Then Georgia and Tennessee, the so-called “Bible Belt” each elected a LGBT candidate. The AP even tells us,

At least 117 of a record 574 LGBT+ candidates on the ballot had won at the time of publication, nine of them trans, according to the LGBTQ Victory Fund, which backs LGBT+ candidates.


Then just randomly coming across this article, it explains in Washington D.C.,

33 out of 47 known LGBTQ candidates running for Advisory Neighborhood Commission seats in all eight of the city’s wards won races on Tuesday.

So what God calls (homosexuality) perversion and confusion is being promoted all over the country. A direct slap in the face to God. This wickedness is growing by the day, while Christianity is being pushed aside and watered down.

Yes, there are many who seek to make Christianity “fit in” with the world.

Friend’s I have news for you.

God does not “fit in” to anyone’s plans. We fit into His.

So how much longer can our country and world survive at this current pace?

I mean you can feel what is Godly being squeezed to death at this point.

Remember that Gospel Armor in Ephesians 6?

You might want to ensure it’s on and strapped on tight. The ride is getting rough.

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