Scientists Claim They Found A 2 Million Year Old Skull Of Our “Human Cousin”

Mainstream science is at it again. This time, they found a 2 million-year-old skull they say is the cousin of us human type folk. Now before I tell you my thoughts on this one, let’s read what the BBC reported.

Australian researchers say the discovery of a two-million-year-old skull in South Africa throws more light on human evolution. The skull was a male Paranthropus robustus, a “cousin species” to Homo erectus – a species thought to be direct ancestors of modern humans.

Alright, there we have it.

It Looks Like An Ape Head

Now every time they dig up one of these skulls, it looks like an ape head to me.

You know why?

That is exactly what it is, an ape head. Take a look at the skull in the photo, and then go look at a photo of an ape skull. They are very similar. This reminds me of the 300,000 year old “human” jaw bone they found.

So how can science jump to the conclusion that this ape head, is actually a part of the human family?

How Can That Be Our Ancestor?

It goes like this, most of the scientists who make these claims are non-believers, and therefore, just as you, they seek a reason to justify their beliefs. They do this through digging in the dirt, you do this through flipping through your Bible.

Now not all scientists are atheists.

However, we rarely hear from scientists who are not. So the perception then becomes, that science has proven evolution to be true, but that is actually not true at all.

Friends, this is a classic example of what we fight against every day on this site.


All mainstream entities; media, education, science, even religion (and so on) rule and dictate the truth to us through perception.

They reign supreme, as the ruling authority in the know. Since we see their ideas and thoughts pasted across every source of information we consume, their perception then becomes our truth.

We see their thoughts and ideas and therefore we believe it, as everyone else believes it, or so we think. That is mainstream think, and it is how we so easily become conditioned to whatever they would like us to believe.

Let Me Level With You

You know, we have been blessed with the opportunity to see many places in our country. We have personally seen and viewed a lot about earth’s history from state and national parks.

You can learn a lot this way, first hand up and close.

There have been so many fossils dug up over the years, it truly boggles the mind. Fossils of animals that no longer exist. Some of these animals even look similar to modern-day animals.

I am reminded of the Rhino fossils we encountered in Nebraska, and the horses they found there. In fact, those same animals are found from Nebraska all the way to the West Coast!

Science explains their finds like this.

  • The ancient animal fossils they discover that are similar to ours evolved into the current animals we have today.
  • For the animals that are not similar, they explain, those animals either died out, or they evolved into our modern day creatures.

The classic catch all approach.

Now for me my friends, that is just not truth. To say the dinosaurs evolved into birds as is commonly taught is a fabrication of reality. It is only a guess, and in my opinion, a horrible one.

How about our Rhino fossils in Nebraska to the West Coast?

“They died out”, how convenient.

The truth of the matter is very simple.

We do not have all the answers for earth’s history.

Mankind was not around back then to observe and document everything. Digging in the dirt to learn about the past is awesome, even exciting for some. However, to then use those finds to explain the creation of life is very dangerous. Especially when it goes against common sense.

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