Repay No One Evil For Evil

Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.

Romans 12:17

This is an important verse to keep at the front of your mind.

Being a Christian involves more that just believing in Jesus and accepting Him as your personal savior. That only begins your new spiritual life, that only begins the first step on your new spiritual journey.

To be a Christian means you must walk with Jesus, that means you live according to His words, according to the Word of God. Being a Christian does not mean you speak sweet in front of our peers, only to rail against non-believers. Remember, those are the people Jesus came to save.

That’s our Christian mission, to help save the lost as Christ did, (Luke 19:10).

While the world may frustrate you to no end, your spiritual salvation in Jesus Christ does not end just because you accepted Him. It marks the beginning, when you are supposed to be that candle on the hilltops spreading your light for all to see, (Matthew 5:14).

That light is the Word of God, it’s reflecting Jesus Christ through you to the world. You have to remember these things, and keep them near to your heart.

You won’t be able to accomplish this critical mission if you repay evil for evil when it comes knocking at your door. Hey, the world hated Jesus Christ, and if you follow Him, the world will hate you and the things you stand for, (John 15:19).

When evil confronts you, that’s when you have to remember verses like the one we are discussing today. Instead of returning evil for evil, you must do the exact opposite.

Listen to Jesus Christ.

Luke 6:35
But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.

Tough words to live by, but words you must live by.

You are not a doormat, but you must always take the high road.

  • Always strive to do that which is right, as this is pleasing to God.
  • Always be honest with yourself, other people, and God.

Overtime, people will see that you’re a kind soul. They will see Christ in you, and some, will even want a piece of it. You can accomplish these things by always placing Jesus at the forefront of your mind.


Proverbs 10:12
Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.

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