Russia’s Currency Looks To Go Digital

It’s a sign of the times. Cryptocurrencies have become the perfect tool to condition the people to a new form of currency. One that is completely digital.

Now we are seeing nations across the world begin to discuss plans to roll out their own digital currency. Russia is the latest nation to do so.

After discussing the launch of the digital ruble with local banks, the country’s financial watchdog says it will present a more detailed concept for the national digital currency by summer.


So it’s still in the works, but the plan is moving ahead.

The digital ruble is meant to exist along with cash and non-cash rubles and will allow private and corporate users to freely transfer digital rubles to their electronic wallets and use them on mobile devices.

It is important to note. The more national digital currencies that come out and the more cryptocurrencies become popular, it creates a driving force against the current financial system.

It reduces the need to own and trade in dollars on the global market. This undermines the US Dollar as the global reserve currency.

Cash Will Go Away

I can only imagine the cash aspect will be phased out over time. However, keeping cash alongside the digital form of the Ruble means better adoption for Russians in the short term.

This is the same plan the U.S. Federal Reserve is working on right now. We discussed that in, Digital Dollars And The Fed’s Plan To Alter U.S. Payment System.

Digital Currency

Our world is changing, there is no getting away from it. At some point, it will become commonplace to use a digital currency to pay for transactions, whether it’s a government’s digital currency or cryptocurrency.

When you really think about it, we already use digital currency in a way. We use our ATM or Credit Cards for purchases. So we are already accustomed to this concept.

A Little About Crypto

When we think about cryptocurrency, it enables you to buy and sell across the planet, instantly. There are also “stablecoins” which are pegged to the value of the U.S. Dollar. People in foreign nations with high inflation rates are able to trade their currency for these “stablecoins” in order to protect their wealth. On some crypto markets, they can even buy US Dollars.

This is one of the reasons why the crypto market is exploding right now. Fears over the devaluation of traditional currencies are leading many to trade their fiat currency for cryptocurrency in order to hopefully, reap some gains. Fiat for fiat.

It is a wild world we live in my friends. Cryptocurrencies are not evil in of themselves, but they have certainly helped arrange the next leg of monetary policy for the world.

Problems With Digital Currency

The problem with an all digital currency, you become bound by a system. A system that can choose to lock you out of it, if you do not conform to the mainstream agenda…

We all witnessed that last year in what is now being called, “cancel culture”. Disagree with the modern version of morality or the mainstream agenda, and in some fashion, you can get “canceled”.

You get kicked off social media, lose your job, your bank account gets closed, and much more. We saw it all in 2020. No matter how far away it is, these are all precursors to the Mark of the Beast.

So hang tight, keep smiling, and keep the popcorn coming!

Additional Reading:

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