Biden Called For A “New World Order”

Our memories can be very short, especially with a 24-hour news cycle that just might push more information out than in. It was back in May of 2014 when then Vice-President Joe Biden told Air Force Cadets, we need a new world order.

Biden explained,

“I believe we and mainly you have an incredible opportunity to lead in shaping a new world order for the 21st century in a way consistent with American interests and common interests,” Biden told the cadets.


Notice, it would not be an overnight process. Biden explained these young cadets would also help shape it over time. That was now seven years ago, and our world certainly continues to change and become more globalized.

In fact, we can recall decades ago George Bush Sr. making similar calls for a new world order.

Rebuild America’s Foundation

Biden had a bit more to say,

“First and foremost our work begins by rebuilding America’s foundations, our economic foundations, our moral and strategic foundations.”

We have certainly seen much of this already beginning to take shape. Historical monuments in our nation are now considered racist by the mainstream media, and those who latch onto their every word. Many have already been removed, which escalated dramatically in 2020.

When I read “moral and strategic foundations” I cannot help but think of the fall of Christianity in our nation. Many churches no longer embrace God, instead embracing the modern version of morality.

Notice, the goal is to rebuild the very fabric of our nation. Today, we are told black is good and white is bad, as if the color of someone’s skin really dictated their spirit.

Nevertheless, this quote sounds exactly like the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset initiative. That kicked into high gear with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. So we can slowly see these agenda’s creeping into our view.

You may also find it interesting that Biden blasted China, even saying, they have made ‘nothing innovative’, (see: China, China, China.)

We Have To Create A New World Order

However, that was not the first time Biden mentioned a new world order. Just about a year prior, April of 2013 Biden stated, 

“The affirmative task we have now is to create a new world order, because the global order is changing again, and the institutions of the world worked so well in the post-World War II era for decades, they need to be strengthened, and some need to be changed.”


I really found this last line interesting myself, specifically the phrase, “The global order is changing again”. It certainly is, and 2020 really kicked that into high gear.

Biden’s sentiment reminded me of the article we wrote last year, The Planned Financial Collapse Of The World. In that article, we explain how the global institutions of the past need a refresh in our rapidly changing world.

Considering the economic situation of our world, where debt is considered wealth, we just maybe knocking on that door in the very near future.

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