San Francisco Tells 37,000 Employees Get COVID Vax Or Get Out

This is just amazing to me.

In an announcement Wednesday evening, the city of San Francisco told its 37,000 employees they must either be vaccinated against COVID-19 within 10 weeks of the Food and Drug Administration giving final approval to a coronavirus vaccine, or lose their jobs.

USA Today

Honestly, I hope these people are looking into the law. How this is legal is beyond me. Forcing someone to receive an injection means you have no freedoms, period.


Currently, all COVID-19 vaccines being used in the United States were approved by FDA under what’s known as an emergency use authorization, an expedited process. The emergency use is an authority that Congress gave to the FDA after the 9/11 terrorist attacks to allow countermeasures, treatments or vaccines to be available earlier than would be the case in a normal approval process.

The FDA has not officially signed off on any of the COVID-19 vaccines. Even worse, vaccine manufactures are exempt from lawsuits if their product harms you.

Yet, some people are being forced to take the needle?

No one should have been asked to take the vaccine since they do not have full approval. Why would you risk harming your body over an experimental vaccine, with no recourse against the manufacture of the product?

There was some good news in this one…

Medical exemptions will be available for employees with medical conditions that affect their eligibility for a vaccine, but those conditions must be verified by a medical provider.

A “sincerely held religious belief that prohibits them from receiving a vaccine” could also be grounds for an exemption, according to the city’s vaccination policy. Those requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

“The burden would be on the employee to establish a sincerely held religious belief,” Isen said. 

So there is some way for employees to opt out, but it’s probably going to be a difficult road to travel.

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