Do You Want To Know The Truth?

These days, it seems like the truth is in short supply.

More concerning yet, would we even recognize the truth if we saw, heard or read it?

For many of us, it’s very doubtful.

In all my years of life, I have learned something very important. The truth is ever elusive in the modern world we live in. Nearly everyone thinks they have the truth, yet, all of our truths are different. It doesn’t matter if its religious or political.

However, if a truth is really true, it can only be one way, not a multi-lane highway. Yet, that has not stopped modern society from fighting and bickering about “truth.”


Instead, it has emboldened and encouraged fighting and bickering.

The unfortunate fact of the matter is, most people really don’t want to know the truth. They just want to confirm what they already believe to be true. All they do is research and seek out the things that build upon their perceived truth.

That’s not really seeking for truth though, is it?

I tell you what, I have never met anyone who actually attempts to disprove what they believe. Personally, I do, but I have never met another soul that did.

Do you know why?

If someone actually learns that their worldview has holes in it, they’ll become cognitive dissonant, and it’ll rock their boat. Depending on how long someone has held their version of truth, this just might be catastrophic to their lifelong beliefs.

Most people cannot deal with that.

Then we have the various forms of media. You know, social, mainstream, and alternative media that tell us the truth. Ahh yes, that multi-lane highway of “truth.”

With the rise of the internet, more and more people are able to publish, for free, their version of truth.

It’s so easy to start nowadays with social media, “Substacks,” and so on. Just as the online sales community is overrun with their Shopify’s and Etsy’s. Original ideas are in short supply, the good ideas are quickly stolen by those with none, who profit from someone else.

Unfortunately, more and more people are signing up for social media or Substacks so they can manipulate reality to become famous. To “draw the click,” so they build up their status.

This includes clicky titles, exaggerated truths and showing you whatever you want to see and believe. It’s not so much about educating the audience anymore. It’s about scaring them, playing into paranoia, parisian politics or feeding them what they already know, and what they want to hear.

All for the benefit of the content creator.

It’s a disturbing world we live in.

You would think more “competition,” if you will, would be a good thing.

Unfortunately, the exact opposite is true.

All this has done is lead to mediocrity, hyperbole, and manipulation for profit and fame, brought to you by slick “content creators” and “influencers.”

  • Long ago we forgot about the common man.
  • Long ago we forgot about being honest and truthful.
  • Long ago we forgot about novel concepts like this,

“When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear.”

Thomas Sowell

In today’s society, it’s all about self and helping self no matter the cost to someone else.

So in my mind, the best part of the internet died in its early stages when it took real effort and your own financial resources to build an online presence. Those days are long gone. Longer than some of you have been alive.

If you never knew those days, I feel sorry for what you missed.

Not just the internet, but the world as it once was.

You probably only know about a 24/7 news cycle or websites that update by the second with more news. News which keeps you drawn in, leaving you no time to think about the subjects you are reading about. Instead, you jump from one news story to the next.

Today, it’s more about entertainment than education.

Long ago, we used to read and truly think about topics and discussions. We had more down time. Not instant notifications on our phone. Speaking of, Apple has a new notification system that will help you prioritize all your notifications. I showed my wife, she shook her head, and swipe I made it go away.

That brings us to our political realm…

It’s become far too divisive over the last several years. Many moons ago, our politicians acted like gentlemen in public. Yet, modern morality removed that. This has caused more hatred between citizens over political ideologies that rarely benefit any of us.

Worse yet, it’s politicized everything.

Today, whoever dredges up the biggest lie or accusation makes the biggest headline. It’s like a popularity contest, and truth never wins.

The path we have headed down is unsustainable.

How many recognize it?

Your guess is as good as mine.

So let’s conclude…

What can we say about “truth,” and what is the sole point of this article?

It’s to remind you, if you only seek to learn and confirm what you already know, well then, the truth is of little value to you.

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