Society Is Unraveling


What is it anymore?

Chaos, bickering, and political turmoil.

America has become a big mess.

A cesspool is probably more accurate.

Yet, on a personal level, America can still be whatever you want it to be. You can visit the backwoods or some small town and it still feels like the America of old. Sort of.

However, if you dare tune into the news, social media, or society in general, the former thought vanishes without a trace. In this realm, America has become a much different animal. Ohh, and if you live in a major city, chances are you live in the new America.

You know, where 7 years olds are deemed fit to change their “gender.”


When I think back, America used to be run by “We The People.” Yet, long ago we gave up our rights and allowed politicians to lead us by the nose. Oh, we still feel like we have a say in the matter. But it’s only a predetermined outcome that’s been formulated for us.

What am I talking about?

These days, we rarely ever come up with our own unique thoughts.

Nope, instead, they’ve been spoon-fed to us by our political party or (social) media. Then, we parade said thoughts around the interwebs, as if we came up with them all on our own. We’ve become conditioned to drive other people’s agenda, all without ever even realizing it.

Yes, society has unraveled into two different and distinct tribes.

  • Republican and Democrat.
  • Conservative and Liberal.
  • Right and Left.

It’s destroying our nation.

Politicians feed off the divide as they see the political rewards of division. So they spark more division and the crowd goes wild! It’s a never-ending feedback loop.

So we now live in an America that is not united, but divided.

My friends, it’s not going to stand.

“…Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.”

Matthew 12:25

How many Christians know that verse, and how many keep on dividing?

Either you believe Jesus or you don’t.

Look, there’s only one Messiah folks, Jesus Christ. All others are fakes and posers. They are not going to save you, they are not going to save our Christian faith. No matter how much they keep blabbering on about it.

“They” are coming after you, as you have allowed it.

No one is standing in “their” way.

Society is unraveling as society booted God out of our life. When that happened, we said nothing. Oh, we put up a stink in our homes. But we never got involved politically. We never ran for school board or community leadership.


We let someone else do it.

We let someone else do our thinking for us.

We are to blame for the mess we are in. When the mess came, we looked in the other direction. Now, suddenly we’re shocked as the mess is finally on our front porch.

Here’s something else we rarely comprehend.

The ones driving the division are the political elite and the ultra-rich. They’re the big shots who own the media networks. They’re the ones who own all the big corporations. They’re the ones keeping us divided.

Let me show you something.

Who Owns The Assets?

That’s right.

The top 1% of asset holders in America own 28% of all the assets in America.

Next in line:

  • Next 90-99% own 35.1% of all assets.
  • Next 50-90% own 30.5% of all assets.
  • Bottom 50% owns 6.4% of all assets.

So half of America owns just 6.4% of all the nation’s assets.

Yet, you’re the voting public and you think you’re not being manipulated by the upper classes?


They are helping to destroy America for their own monetary gain.

Why do you think all the Mom and Pop shops dried up years ago, and everything comes from China? Oh, but now our political elite is suddenly concerned about China.

Give me a break.

Now, let’s look at the bag holders.

You know, the debt holders of America.

Who Holds The Liabilities (Debt)?

Do you see?

The entire script just flipped!

The bottom 50% of asset holders in America hold 32.8% of all the liabilities (debt) in the country. We’re talking about debt. You, the voting public.

Next in line:

  • Next 50-90% hold 42.9% of all liabilities.
  • Next 90-99% hold 19.9% of all liabilities.
  • Top 1% hold 4.6% of all liabilities.

Assets Vs. Liabilities

Finally, let’s look at this another way.


  • The top 10% of asset holders own 63.1% of America.
  • The bottom 90% of asset holders hold 75.7% of all liabilities.

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

Proverbs 22:7

Sage advise from Scripture, but how many listen?

When you borrow, you go further into debt while padding someone else’s pockets.

So what does this all tell you?

It tells you that your wealth has evaporated with time.

These charts are unprecedented.

The charts tell us that our reality is painted for us by the ultra-wealthy. They’re the ones pitting the left verse the right. Conservative verse liberal, and so on. Sure, the upper classes have their own political appeal. Yet, they all mingle and play golf at the same clubs while striking business deals.

Meanwhile, you’re being used like a dirty rag to reap more financial gain.

Meanwhile, you’re manipulated at every turn.

The latest banking crisis is a great example. The bottom 90% of society were told, if the Feds didn’t save the banks, there would be a banking crisis.

So what happened?

They swooped in and saved the day!

Who would have been affected by a banking crisis?

The ultra-wealthy who have far more than $250,000 in their banks. On the other hand, the bottom 90% of America has a pittance.

Inflation has been destroying the wealth of the bottom 90% for two years now. No one gave a damn, did they? Nope. The wealthy can weather that storm, but you cannot. So your piece of the pie shrinks some more. But hey, when the banks are in trouble it’s an emergency.

Do you know why?

It’s an emergency for the ultra-wealthy who just so happen to own the (social) media outlets you tune into.

Brainwashing 101.

Don’t forget about the lockdowns. Certain jobs and companies became “essential.” Those were companies like Amazon and the services it provides. Yes, we allow megacorps to operate while shutting down smaller companies that were not deemed “essential.”

Who reaped the rewards of the bailout checks sent to the bottom 90%?

The top 10% of course.

Increasing their bottom line at your expense.

What government sent out those bailout checks?

Why it was a Republican government that increased the federal deficit by a record 39%!

Today, we have record inflation, but people don’t see the correlation as they let someone else do their thinking for them. Social media and the personalities loyal to their favorite divisive source.

Now the circus is wound up and working again, the left and right are stirred up

Ohh, but the unraveling of society gets even better!

The ultra-wealthy are the same schmucks who tell you not to pollute the world while they sell you the crap that pollutes the world.

Ahh yes,

“The rich ruleth over the poor”


As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked ruler over the poor people.

Proverbs 28:15

The wicked, the spiritually perverse easily rule over you.


We believe their lies because they sound so sweet. Yet, none of them ever made America better or united us. Instead, America constantly and continually becomes divided, to the point, that we may actually break apart.

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