SolarWinds Cyberattack Hits U.S. And At Least 7 Other Nations

Now here is a topic I never expected to discuss on World Events and the Bible, SolarWinds. When I was a Network Engineer, I used this software every day to monitor and manage the IT Network where I worked.

SolarWinds is network management software. You add various network devices into the software to help track, monitor, and manage your network. Think of things like routers, switches, servers, and access points (wifi) as an example.

In today’s data-driven world, software such as this is pretty much critical to have. I am sure that just went over everyone’s head.

So What Happened?

Apparently, the “cyberattack” was made possible when a software update was downloaded from SolarWinds servers. This update was compromised by hackers.

SolarWinds said up to 18,000 customers, including government agencies and Fortune 500 companies, had downloaded compromised software updates, allowing hackers to spy on email exchanges.

Yahoo News

That really appears to be the known issue at this point. The malware allowed hackers to view email on private networks.

As Yahoo News explained, SolarWinds has thousands of customers all over the globe. So this was not a direct attack on the United States as it is being made out to be by some media outlets.

This will affect any company and nation who downloaded the update in question. Politico really laid on the fear and hype by discussing the nuclear weapons facilities in our country. Don’t worry, our bombs are in no danger of being launched by rogue hackers.

There are some bright minds out there, they will clean this up.

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