Someone Help California’s Governor, He’s Mentally Ill

I have questioned Newsom’s sanity for some time now, but the events of the last week leave no doubt about it… California Governor Newsom is suffering from a mental disability.

Let’s talk about it.

Gasoline Cars Banned By 2035

Last week, Newsom signed an executive order banning the sale of gasoline-powered cars in 2035. Yes, you read that right.

First off, this action is illegal, it is a decree, not a law. Even the EPA agrees.

Newsom signed the executive order as he is a climate change loon. Don’t believe me, let me quote him for you.

“Our cars shouldn’t make wildfires worse — and create more days filled with smoky air. Cars shouldn’t melt glaciers or raise sea levels threatening our cherished beaches and coastlines.”


Someone with this thought process is incapable of leading the state, much less their own family.

Friends, glaciers don’t melt because of your Honda Civic. Glaciers have been melting for thousands and thousands of years, possibly even millions of years. That is just a fact, take a trip to Glacier National Park if you don’t believe me. It’s all documented there. Someone as distinguished as a Governor should know that already.

In fact, the planet has been changing for millions of years documented in its changing landscape to life that has come and gone.

Not Enough Power

I have to say, I found this latest executive order a little humorous in a way. I have friends in the state who have their power shut off right now all due to the state’s inability to provide enough power.

So let’s think about that then…

Newsom intends to replace gasoline-powered vehicles with electric vehicles that will draw its power from the grid… Yet, the state cannot even provide basic electric service today.

Does anyone else see a problem here?

Moving on.

Wildfires Are Due To Climate Change

Weeks ago, Newsome’s mental instability surfaced as he smiled about California’s devastating fires and blamed it on… You guessed it, man-made climate change.

Here’s the video.

Of course, this year’s near-record heatwave had nothing to do with it. Neither did PG&Es poorly maintained network of power lines that seem to tip on over with the slightest breeze.

In reality, those events caused the fires, so did careless people at parties. Not your vehicle.

Newsom And Transgenders

On Saturday, ol’ Newsom was at it again, this time signing two new laws for transgenders.

The first is the “Transgender Wellness and Equity Fund” (AB 2218) which establishes transgender medical interventions and surgeries. These procedures are known to cause sterility by the way. Think of Agenda 2030 and the globalist narrative.

The second piece of legislation is even better

It allows transgender inmates to be placed into prisons based on their gender identity. Not on their real sex, but the one they fabricated out of thin air because it made them feel better about life.

Talk about insanity!

Californians of all shapes and sizes. It’s time for you to stand against this tyranny and insanity or you are not going to have a state left.

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