Space Mirrors To Block The Sun To Save The Planet

The climate cult is at it again…

The U.S. Government is looking into solutions to combat man-made climate change that are so extreme, they include blocking the sun in new and exciting ways!

That’s right, the fruits, nuts, clowns, and criminals who run our government are urgently seeking to block more of our precious sunlight.

In fact, the White House just released a new report on “solar geoengineering” at the behest of Congress.

No, I’m not kidding.

Congress actually requested that an interagency working group,

Should establish a research governance framework to provide guidance on transparency, engagement, and risk management for publicly funded work in solar geoengineering research.”

So, the White House just released that framework.

The report discusses “solar radiation modification” (SRM).

That’s really just another fancy name for “solar geoengineering.”

The report explains,

“SRM offers the possibility of cooling the planet significantly on a timescale of a few years.”

What could possibly go wrong?

A variety of unintended outcomes of SRM are not well understood, and there may be others of which we are not aware.”

You’ve got to be kidding me, right?


Here’s what they do know…

“The “known unknowns” include potential changes in precipitation patterns; stratospheric temperatures; ozone amounts; sea-level rise; patterns of climate variability; ocean acidification, productivity, and mixing; terrestrial vegetation; coral reefs; biodiversity; crop production; and ecosystems.

Model simulations show that the chemistry of the stratosphere may change, and atmospheric circulations may intensify in ways that may lead to seasonal-scale impacts such as more frequent extreme drought or precipitation events.”

So let me sum all of that up for you.

They’re saying, by implementing “solar radiation modification,” they’ll cause more man-made climate change! Even worse, we won’t know what changes we’ll get, until we implement the solutions. Some may even be catastrophic!

How that reminds me of ol Nancy Pelosi.

Boy, I sure hope you’re laughing right along with me.

So at this point, I know you’re just dying to find out how they intend to block the sun.

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words…

They’re willing to try it all, even “space mirrors” to block God’s life giving sun.

For heavens sake, these people have lost their marbles!

For a decade or more, they’ve used aerosol sprays to block the sun and modify the weather. They’re breaking out every abomination they can think of in order to combat man-made climate change.

They didn’t specifically cover space mirrors in this report, but it’s been discussed.

Oh, but it’s not just our country…

Look at this from Bloomberg,

“The European Union will join an international effort to assess whether large-scale interventions such as deflecting the sun’s rays or changing the Earth’s weather patterns are viable options for fighting climate change.”

In order to fight climate change, they’re going to change the natural order.

Is anyone else puzzled by that?

Oh, but there’s more.

“The bloc will announce a framework Wednesday for assessing the security implications of a rapidly warming planet, such as the potential for scarce water or food to trigger conflict and migration, according to a draft document seen by Bloomberg. Part of that assessment includes studying the potential dangers of re-engineering the atmosphere.”

So they’re all in cahoots, and of course there’s dangers!

We’re talking about blocking out natural sunlight that makes all life possible.

These people are beyond insane!

The people running our nations have lost all common sense. I want you to think about this for a moment, they’re essentially trying to band-aid over the issue. Look, according to them, the patient has a grievous wound, a band-aid might make it look okay, but there’s an infection.

In order to fix the problem, you have to identify the source of the trouble, and fix that.

According to climate alarmists, the problem is man polluting the earth.

Now the people who run our nations are mega rich, and they rub elbows with the ultra rich who make all the trash we buy. The cars, electric ones (ever seen what lithium mining does to the planet?), the plastic, the toys, the gadgets, etc, etc.

Hey, the ultra rich have no problem making and selling us junk for profit, but then these nuts want to cry about how we’ve harmed the earth.

Perhaps, just perhaps they should take a long good look in the mirror, huh?

No wonder Revelation 11:18 says, God will, “Destroy them which destroy the earth.”

One day, God’s going to wipe out all the crooked people who made our lives miserable. He’s going to do away with them, because long ago they did away with Him. That’s why our world is such a mess these days, society did away with God which means we lost our way.

That’s why man is now trying to block the sun that God created.

They’ve lost their minds.

It’s evident, they have no sense of our Creator, or they wouldn’t be looking to block the sun He placed right there to brighten our day. Not to mention, make life possible.

So never get caught up in this madness.

You know why?

Genesis 8:22
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

The earth will continue to remain, and while it does, our seasons will be continual, they will not end.

You know what this also means?

The climate cult will be unsuccessful in their ventures, so don’t let it bother you for a second.

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