What Just Happened In Russia?

On Friday, all hell broke loose in Russia, and in the most bizarre fashion.

Yet, just hours later, everything returned to normal.

So what happened?

Details are sketchy, but this is what we do know…

It all started with the Wagner Group, a private military contractor run by Yevgeny Prigozhin. Prigozhin is a former pal of Putin, and Wagner has been in the national news for their involvement in Ukraine. They’ve been helping the Russian army.

Yet, that all changed on Friday, when Prigozhin ordered Wagner to turn on Putin. From there, Wagner militants entered the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, even taking over a base of sorts. Supposedly, without firing a shot.

However, it’s being reported that a dozen or two Russian military men were killed in conflict with the Wagner Group. From there, they decided to march on Russia and overthrow Putin.

Yet, it stopped, just as fast as it started.

Suddenly, Prigozhin and Putin came to an agreement to disband the attempted coup. Prigozhin went to Belarus and his troops returned to the fighting scene in Ukraine.

So why did Prigozhin launch a coup to begin with?

If we go back to June 5th, we find these details…

Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Wagner group of mercenaries has captured a Russian commander, as the notorious leader further escalates his feud with the regular army.


Last week, Prigozhin accused the Russian army of trying to blow up his men as they were pulling back from the eastern Ukrainian town of Bakhmut.


Prigozhin, who has been arguing with top military officials for months

Since the start of the war, Prigozhin has emerged as one of the most visible power players, frequently using social media to deliver scorching tirades against the defence ministry. His turbulent rise, however, has angered some elements of the Russian elite.

Interesting, no?

You may recall, a month or so back, Prigozhin said he was going to pull out of the Ukrainian town of Bakhmut since the Russian military was not supplying enough ammo. This made national news. Yet, Russia delivered and that story disappeared.

So why did Prigozhin suddenly turn on Putin?

Perhaps Russia really did try to destroy Prigozhin for mouthing off about Putin and the Russian government. Or, perhaps Prigozhin was mistaken, and no real attempt was made against him. Or, someone else did it to make it look like Russia did it.

As you can see, it all comes down to a guessing game here.

We really don’t know those fine and minute details, but we do know, the West has been salivating over the demise of Russia. For a year and a half now, we’ve heard about Putin’s shaking leg and arms, the cancer he’s dying from, that he doesn’t have and so on.

There’s no doubt in my mind, Western propaganda has played a role here.

So this still doesn’t Prigozhin turn back the Wagner Group and halt the coup?

Russian intelligence services threatened to harm the families of Wagner leaders before Yevgeny Prigozhin called off his advance on Moscow, according to UK security sources.


You would think, Prigozhin would have thought about that before deciding to publicly march on Moscow. Perhaps the guy is five cans short of a six-pack and only thinks about war and death, we really don’t know.

However, he was living a pipe dream to think he would overthrow Putin as it’s been revealed.

the mercenary force had only 8,000 fighters rather than the 25,000 claimed and faced likely defeat in any attempt to take the Russian capital.

By the way, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, this displays cracks in Putin’s leadership. Blinken also claimed, ‘We haven’t seen the last act’ in this Russian crisis.

How can he be so certain unless there is some U.S. involvement?

Whether or not the U.S. was involved, they will certainly exploit this latest development. NATO has made it clear, they seek the demise of Russia and I don’t anticipate that will let up.

The world is becoming a very strange and dangerous place. Just last week, it was also reported that China is setting up a military facility in Cuba. It seems to me, we’ve been down this road before, and it didn’t work out very well.

The days ahead are going to be very interesting. Russia isn’t some small nation, it’s the biggest landmass on the planet.

If Russia falls, it will bring about massive change…

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