In America, Segregation Is Happening, But Not How You May Think

Americans are more divided today, than at any other point in modern history.

It’s a sad thing to witness.

The left hates the right, and the right hates the left. It’s no secret that this crack became a rift during the pandemic.

Now, the two sides have quite literally broken in half. Segregation is now a real thing in America, but it’s not based on race, but political party. Americans are moving from blue states to red states, and red states to blue. It’s something we have never seen before, certainly not on this scale.

Just the other day, I caught an article from the AP (see Yahoo comments) about this subject that’s commonly on my mind.

They interviewed a gentleman named Bret Weinstein. He’s the owner of a realty firm in Denver, CO. He said, politics have become a top issue for people when purchasing a home.

Imagine that.

“It’s brought up in our initial conversations,” Weinstein said. “Three years ago, we didn’t have those conversations, ever.”

Isn’t that something?

Essentially, this all started thanks to the pandemic.

Don’t get me wrong, America has been divided for a very long time, but not like this. Not at this level. We now have people fleeing blue states for red and vice versa all based on the politics at play.

It’s horrible!

People should be moving for family, friends, job opportunities, a change of scenery, you get the idea. Not because of politics. America should not be that divided, to the point, that we must flee our loved environment, due to a bunch of politicians.

That’s really what it comes down to.

We, as Americans of all sizes, shapes, and colors allowed politicians, media and corporations to divide us. So much so, that we absolutely hate each other.

Long ago, we stopped carrying our personal thoughts inward. Instead, we began to project them outward for all to see and hear. This new form of expression multiplied the disaster at hand.

True story…

My Visit To Town

Just last week, we went into town, at the moment that happens to be Missoula, Montana. It wasn’t my first trip there, but it was yet another infuriating one…

Though June and “Pride Month” is a thing of the past, “Pride” banners still hang from the light posts. The displays were actually put up by the city itself.

Then the stores, ohh the stores. They featured rainbow everything!

Why, there was even a BLM sign, though no black folks were to be found.

It’s a college town in a rough and rugged state, and even this place has radical liberal politics that only seek to divide.

It’s that trash that has truly escalated the division in our nation.

The in your face antics.

Hey, we just needed some items in your store. We don’t need to know your politics or sexual orientation. Honestly, I don’t give two rips about your personal beliefs, right?

I just need some nails and a 2×4.

Divisive Division

How did we ever get to the point of throwing our political beliefs in the face of others?

I think social media is a big, huge, massive part of it.

Then the mainstream media stirred us up in the mixing bowl, and the megacorps turned it on high!

Yet, I honestly don’t think Americans hate Americans, to the degree we are led to believe. Instead, we allowed crooked politicians, the media, and corporations to stir and divide us. I mean let’s be honest here folks, that’s who is leading the charge here.

Most Americans don’t sit down and have real conversations about our national problems. We just shout and scream on social media, “lib this”, “hick that.”

It solves nothing.

It’s been like this for years, the libs are listening to CNN, and the reds are watching Fox. Each side is being brainwashed and conditioned to hate the other side, without ever hearing what they have to say.

  • How can we become undivided, if that’s how we obtain our news?
  • How can we become undivided, if we allow politicians to lead the charge?

We can’t and we won’t.

The Progressive Blog

Ironically enough, just the other day I came upon a progressive blog.

Don’t ask me how, and no I’m not being converted.

I was just blown away by the article…

As conservatives, we constantly see how the media throws LGBT issues in our faces. We see how companies like Bud Light support the radical left. In fact, they’re stirring the political pot that we’ve been talking about.

However, how often do we listen to the other side?

Not very often, so the progressive blog I found was a great example.

Here’s the title of the article,

Essentially, every (political) side believes the other side is out to get them.

The article explained, these companies publically support homosexual causes. Yet, they’re also supporting anti-homosexual causes. So the author was all bent out of shape about it, and I suppose he has a good reason at surface level…

We primarily only hear about these companies supporting pro-homosexual causes. We rarely if ever hear about them supporting anti-homosexual cases.

So, are these corporations pulling the legs of the left and right?

We’ll get to that in a moment…

Unfortunately, the author of the progressive blog didn’t cite any sources for his claim. So I jumped over to Open Secrets to get the skinny.

Comcast Political Donations

I pulled up the PAC profile for the Comcast Corporation.

Here’s where Comcast sends its political donations.

One more.

As we can see, Comcast has supported both the Democrat and Republican parties. However, what we must realize is these numbers include employees of Comcast, not just the corporation itself.

Here’s even more detailed information on Comcast.

Now, if you visit the links, you’ll find that individuals at Comcast and Comcast as a corporation made these contributions. So what the author of the article failed to mention is, this is pretty standard stuff.

So in my mind, after reading the background on the progressive author, I have to wonder why he wrote that article. Was it for shock factor, to stir up his progressive base, because I don’t think it was ignorance? The guy campaigned for Hilary Clinton for Heaven’s sake.

So it brings me back to my original point.

Division Pays

Americans are being divided by everyone. By our politicians, corporations, the media, alternative media, influencers, and bloggers.


For gain my friends, for fame and fortune.

Hopefully, you notice that most politicians and personalities are essentially demagogues. They’ll say whatever it is you want to hear in order to get your vote, buck, or like.

Hardly anyone wants to just give you the straight truth. Instead, they rather pander and tell you how evil the other guy is. No one ever looks at things objectively anymore. We just gravitate to those who tell us what we want to hear.

So, we’ve been manipulated to the point that we’ll move out of the state we love, all for political reasons.

Again, much of this stems from the media, especially social media which was designed to generate maximum engagement by telling you the worst society has to offer. By infuriating your senses and giving you an enemy to blame for life’s troubles.

All the personalities on there are playing their part for a piece of that pie.

Playing into it for a moment may feel good, but it’s only leading to our demise.

A divided nation cannot stand, and we’re being divided by forces that do not love or honor God.

How this reminds me of a verse I read last night.

Division Destroys

Isaiah 9:16
For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.

God was talking about Israel’s leaders.

Their wicked leaders caused the people to veer from God, and the people that followed these leaders walked right into their own destruction.

How many of us realize that’s exactly what is happening today?

Well, let me tell you how it ends…

Isaiah 9:19-21
19 Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother.

20 And he shall snatch on the right hand, and be hungry; and he shall eat on the left hand, and they shall not be satisfied: they shall eat every man the flesh of his own arm:

21 Manasseh, Ephraim; and Ephraim, Manasseh: and they together shall be against Judah. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

Manasseh and Ephraim were brothers, and they were always unified.

That is, until their descendants veered away from God. They veered so far away, that they began to fight with each other and kill one another. You are reading about the destruction of these tribes, and the nation itself.

When division creeps in and becomes rooted, it leads to hate, war, and death.

This all stemmed from Israel leaving God, the same mistake we are repeating today.

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