Spiritual Darkness Has Covered The World

I don’t know about you, but I barely recognize the world anymore.

I can only imagine how older generations must feel.

What we thought was bad or spiritually degenerate ten years ago, is child’s play today. Even worse, the world parades the perversion around and promotes it, by saying it’s “inclusive and diverse.”

It’s diverse alright.

I’ve been reminded of this a lot lately, and that’s what I want to discuss today.

We all caught wind of the Olympic opening ceremony, which was a freak fest if I ever saw one. First off, the ceremony is supposed to showcase the culture of the hosting nation. Instead, it featured homosexuals who blasphemed Jesus Christ along with other disturbing scenes.

I suppose that’s what France is all about these days, anything contrary to God, goes.

You know, that’s what kills me about all of this…

We’re told how everyone wants to be “inclusive,” yet they exclude Christianity by making a mockery of it. In case everyone forgot, there are about 2.4 billion Christians on the planet.

I guarantee you, there’s not that many homosexuals.

So why alienate your audience?

I can tell you why…

Most Christians who saw the spectacle and were offended, will continue to watch anyway.

Then, they’ll buy products from the sponsors.

You know I’m right.

If I were wrong, then Christians wouldn’t tune in, and they would boycott everything tied to the Olympics, but they won’t, it’s just too tough to do. Considering that reality, I don’t know what’s worse, caving Christians or the fruits and nuts that participate in the Olympic perversion…

So what happened?

They opened with a mockery of The Last Supper…

Then, there was the decapitated head…

Then, there was the golden calf…

Then, well, you just take a look at this compilation…


I sure was.

I mean, this was before the entire world my friends…

A lot of people poured loads of effort into this. Thankfully there was some blowback, and the Olympic organizers apologized for it. The fact of the matter is, how could these people be so off the mark? In reality, it doesn’t matter, what matters is, the tone was set, and now you’re numb to this sort of filth.

Ahh… Everyone’s become numb to filth and perversion.

Why it was just weeks ago when the Republicans held their convention. It featured Amber Rose, a rapper and model who supports abortion, LGBT, and hosted an event called the “SlutWalk.”

Charming huh?

Ohh and don’t give me that, “She’s trying to change” bit.

The only thing that’s changing, is the party, and it’s moving to the center.

As I told you years ago, both political parties are the same.

Both parties drive us to the intended destination, one party just has their foot on the pedal, and the other drives like Miss Daisy. So the party of conservatives is dead. No, not just because of this gal, but due to what they’re promoting. Not to mention, abortion language has been left out of the Republican platform.

So, they caved to the world.

As someone recently said,

“Hey, you have to get elected.”

That’s right, so you lie, cheat, and steal to get elected. You bring out the sleaze in an attempt to capture more votes. Meanwhile, our culture and spirituality get flushed down the toilet.

You can see it, right?

I mean, no one has a backbone anymore.

No one stands up for Jesus Christ anymore.

Instead, we cave, cave, cave.

We’ll provide all sorts of excuses why we cave to justify our actions.

But guess what…

You still caved, and God will remind the cavers of it come Judgement Day.

The more we condone or not speak out about filth, the more it will become mainstream.

Actually, I’d say it’s beyond mainstream at this point. It’s weaved into our culture and Christianity is on the outs.

I was reminded of this once again the other day…

My sister shared a disturbing music video with me. She couldn’t believe the content, and neither could I. It featured a singer in a dark club with red lights dancing to the beat of the tune. The whole thing was bizarre, but then it turned especially demonic toward the end…

In the video below, I skip towards the end. There, you’ll see a demonic crowd and appearing near the end, a winged demon that pukes blood onto the face of the singer. Shortly after, everyone’s face is covered in blood, and they begin to kiss each other, with blood all over their face and mouth.

Who thinks of this stuff?


I hope so, or you’ve become numb to this perversion.

Friends, this is spiritual darkness.

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Ephesians 5:11

If you’re not “reproving” this darkness, then you are approving it.


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

We can thank Satan for much of the spiritual rot. However, you can’t lay all the blame at his feet. He is the instigator, but as Mom always said, “It takes two to tango.” It takes another party to accept what the Devil is offering.

Don’t accept it, and don’t promote it, by being a part of it.

This all goes back to my Devotion on Wednesday…

You have to stay focused on Jesus Christ, and keep the world out of your life.

If you don’t, you will become conditioned to the ways of the world, and soon enough, it will change you, without you even realizing it. That’s how the Devil works my friends. He’ll snuggle right up next to you, it’ll seem nice, it’ll feel nice, but it’s not, it’s darkness and perversion, and God wants none of it in your life.

The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

Romans 13:12

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