States Move To Ban Transgender’s From Competing In Female Sports

Just weeks ago, President Biden signed an illegal Executive Order that could force schools to allow boys to compete in girl’s sports. Several states have already moved to stifle the illegal Executive Order, which truly needs no response from the states.

Nevertheless, days ago, Mississippi passed Senate Bill 2536 which bars transgenders from competing in female sports! This is a big victory for common sense and our females.

Sen. Angela Hill stated,

“I’ve had numerous coaches across the state call me and believe that they feel there’s a need for a policy in Mississippi because they are beginning to have some concerns of having to deal with this,” Hill explained.

Look folks, we are born male or female. The sex you were born as, is the sex you are, period. By nature, the average man is bigger and stronger than the average female. Everyone who suffers from common sense knows that.

Even better news, the North Dakota House also approved a transgender sports bill, while Utah, and Tennessee passed similar measures.

However, none of these bills have become law just yet.

In the case of Mississippi, it will now head to the Governor’s desk while the other states still have hurdles to jump. If you live in these states, reach out to your elected officials and urge them to pass this legislation.

The radicals who have lost all forms of common sense are out to ensure these bills fail.

Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ advocacy group, condemned anti-transgender bills in Mississippi and other states.

“These bills are not addressing any real problem, and they’re not being requested by constituents,” Human Rights Campaign said in a statement Wednesday. “Rather, this effort is being driven by national far-right organizations attempting to sow fear and hate.”


The lies never cease do they?

The bills are being requested by constituents as was explained above.

Notice, their whole argument is based on nothing but divisive tactics. They argue over ‘who requested the law’, blamed the “national far-right” (code speak for domestic terrorist), and said it “sows fear and hate”.

No my friends, it “sows” common sense.

Transgenders are more than welcome to pretend they are someone of the opposite sex. They can dress up if they like. However, their biological sex does not lie, and they are bound by it. Which in fact, dictates the sport they can and cannot be apart of, and “hate” has nothing to do with it.

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