Texas COVID Numbers Fall After Reopening & More

If you listen to the constant noise from the mainstream media, you might have missed this one. Since Texas removed all illegal COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, the infection rates continue to fall. In fact, COVID-19 cases in Texas have reached an all-time low.

Now I thought Fauci said if we opened prematurely we would all be dead?

He might as well have.

I know he certainly said, he cannot see us going back to normal until 2022. These people are psychos! None of this is about a virus my friends. Maybe you are a new reader. This is all about pushing globalization front and center. This whole plot was planned out years ago.

COVID-19 is not the killer it has been made out to be.

So we constantly see this push by the mainstream media to control our thought process. To make us live in fear. Look folks, people in Texas, Florida, and South Dakota are enjoying life like normal. In fact, people all over the place are starting to go back to normal.

Now I do not see that taking place in the stores. However, when I go out for a walk, fewer and fewer people are wearing masks. However, that is not stopping the mainstream media and our government from pushing COVID-19 propaganda.

Take these articles for example.

Then we have this gem, Pfizer begins Covid vaccine trial on infants and young kids.

Now why on earth would you allow your child to be a guinea pig?

It’s Not Going Away

None of this is going to go away. We lost a tremendous amount of rights during the so-called, pandemic. Any future crisis will see our rights stripped away without hesitation, and we are all now conditioned to such a government response.

Things may normalize shortly, but they will never be normal again. The government can simply say there is a virus outbreak and the world will stop spinning again.

All this has done is create dependency on government. How many thousands of dollars have you and your family now received from the government?

That is socialism.

How many times has the government kicked the forbearance program down the road?

They just did it again, this time, until June 30th when they no doubt will extend it again.

All of these programs create dependency on the government.

When the government has that, we are at their beck and call. That is not a situation any Christian should ever allow themselves to be put into. Certainly not considering what the Mark of the Beast is all about.

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