Thank You For Your Readership And Support In 2023!

Dear brothers and sisters,

I want to take a moment and say, “Thank You!”

Thank you for reading this site, thank you for sharing this site, and thank you for supporting this site. I cannot stress this enough, without your readership and support, this place would not exist. So thank you, thank you, thank you!

All right, so here we are, approaching the close of another year…

How Was Your 2023?

2023 is almost in the history books.

  1. How did 2023 treat you?
  2. What improvements have you made this year?
  3. What have you accomplished this year?

I’d actually love to read your responses to those questions in the community.

That’s right, if you’re a new reader, we have a growing community filled with Christians trying to make sense of this world. A community filled with Christians who are devoted to studying the Bible. So come join us, and let us know what spiritual improvements you’ve made this year.

You know, that’s what being a Christian is all about.

Making little improvements each and everyday…

With those improvements, we go out into the world and reflect the Light of Jesus to the entire world. This is how we help bring the Word to the world, by working together, fellowshipping together, and building communities together.

So come join us, we would love to hear from you!

What I Did In 2023

Everyday I’m writing something for this website or maintaining it.

Whether it’s new Bible studies, answering readers, or talking about current events. It’s a busy place with lots to do. As always, that will continue.

However, this year I did something a little different…

As I look at our world, I see it failing just like you. Even worse, I see the Christian faith failing. I see it dwindling, and I see Christians becoming more political than Biblical.

It’s a catastrophe.

The churches are failing the people, so the people are seeking something else to save them. We’ve had conversations about this, and I am sure we will have many more.

Why is the church failing?

There’s too much church doctrine out there. Too many Christians have become more attached to what their pastor says, than what the Bible says. It’s been this way for years and decades, but it continues to get worse. Moreover, the younger generations aren’t going for it.


However, that means we all have work to do. It means we all need to take a glance in the mirror at our own Biblical worldview. Are we holding onto some churches tradition, or are we truly embracing the Word of God?

The only way to figure that out is by reading the Bible for yourself. I always tell you that. I also know, God sent teachers into the world to help people do that. That’s what Scripture says, (Romans 10:15). So, in 2023, I started to do more verse by verse studies, I hope you’ve enjoyed them.

As 2024 looks us in the eye, I plan to put together more verse by verse studies.

So keep an eye out for those next year.

My thought and message here, let the Bible lead you spiritually. That’s what I hope to accomplish through these new studies. I hope they push you into the Scriptures, I hope they embolden you to read the Bible for yourself.

All right…

So here’s another question that I would like to pose to you…

  • In 2024, what spiritual improvements do you plan to make and how?

Closing Thoughts

If you would, head on over to the community and answer those three questions that I opened with, or just the last one I presented. I’m sure it will spark some very interesting conversations. I’m sure your thoughts will help others make positive changes in their life.

So with that, let me once again say, thank you for reading and supporting this site.

I appreciate it immensely.

Ohh, before I go…

I’m going to have a survey during the first week of 2024. It’s your opportunity to provide me with some feedback. So keep an eye out for that, and I’ll even share some of the results with you.

Your brother in Christ,

Brandon T. Ward

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