Topic: Confusion


Does The News Matter?

Does the news matter, and does it really benefit you? Think about how many hours a day, week, month, and year you spend watching the news or scouring the internet and social channels for it.


Do You Want To Know The Truth?

Everyone says they have the truth, then you find out they believe differently than you, so who’s right? We only obtain truth by challenging our beliefs.


God Is Not The Author Of Confusion

God is not the author of confusion, that comes from the world. These days, we are overwhelmed by confusion which masquerades itself as peace and clarity.


The Majority Is Really The Minority

So the whole fam jumped in the truck yesterday, on comes Christian radio, and there is a guy talking about “the majority”, “the minority”, and I hear the phrase, “cancel culture”. We heard about 10


Gender Blender: Our Immoral World Leaps Forward

I thought I saw it all. That was, until a few days ago… It started with a video advertisement from an insurance company I never heard of. John Lewis Home Insurance is the company. Apparently,


What Are The UFO Reports All About?

Over the course of the last month, reports of UFOs or UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) swept the news. We held off on discussing this until now, pending the government’s official report that came out last


The Delusion Of The Last Days

Massive delusion has swept our world. This has led to a separation of people evident among every aspect of society. What has caused this delusional shift?


Latest Taboo Terms: Breastfeeding, Breastmilk And Mother: UK

What’s worse than another article about COVID-19? An article that says midwives can no longer use terms such as; “breastfeeding”, “breastmilk”, and “mother” in an effort to be… “Trans-friendly”. Come on, I’m pulling your leg


The Tower Of Babel In The Modern Era

As mankind moves further down the pathway of time, we find mankind repeating mistakes from the past. Many of us are familiar with the Tower of Babel. It was an early point in human history


The Separation Of America

Never in our lifetime have we seen Americans become so divided. The division in years past was always there, yet, both sides somehow managed to work together. At least they made it appear that way.