The Story Of The Birth Of Christ – For Children

This was written for our children many years ago, today it’s for you to share with your family. While I believe December 25th is the conception of Jesus, I believe this story will help your children understand the birth of our Lord and Saviour.

Also see past Bible Q&As that cover the conception of Jesus:

In the little town of Nazareth, a man named Joseph was engaged to a virgin woman named Mary. One day, a mighty angel named Gabriel appeared before Mary. Gabriel the Angel was sent by God to give Mary a very important message.

Gabriel said to Mary, ‘You are favored and blessed among women, the Lord God is with you!’

Mary was a little troubled by the appearance of the Angel named Gabriel and his words.

Gabriel comforted Mary by saying, ‘Do not be afraid Mary, you are loved by God. You will have a Son and you will call His name Jesus! He will be called the Son of the Highest who is the Lord God. Jesus will be a great King and His Kingdom will be everlasting!’

Mary thought for a moment and then asked Gabriel, ‘How will this happen? I do not have a husband?’

Gabriel said, ‘The Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of God will give you a Son who will be called the Son of God.’

Mary simply replied, ‘Let it be as you have spoken it’.

Then Gabriel left the presence of Mary.

As time went on, Baby Jesus grew bigger and bigger in his mother Mary’s belly.

The ruler of the world at the time Caesar Augustus made a new law. He said, ‘all people must be taxed and pay them in their own city‘.

So Joseph and his wife Mary traveled to the city of David which is called Bethlehem to pay their taxes.

Mary’s belly was now very big as Baby Jesus had been growing day by day.

It was finally time for Him to be born! Mary needed a place to lay down so she could give birth to Baby Jesus. However, the little town of Bethlehem became so crowded, the Inn had no more rooms available for Joseph and Mary.

The town of Bethlehem was unable to provide a warm room for the birth of the King of kings. So Mary gave birth to Baby Jesus and wrapped him in swaddling clothes to keep him warm. She then nestled the new-born King into a manger to keep Him warm and safe.

In the same country, there were shepherds in the field watching over their flock by night. Suddenly, the angel of the Lord and His Glory appeared all around them. The shepherds were frightened by the Heavenly sight! But the Angel of the Lord said, ‘Do not be afraid, I have come to bring you good news and great joy which is for you and all people! Today a Saviour is born in Bethlehem, his name is Jesus Christ!’

The Angel told the shepherds they could find Baby Jesus wrapped in clothes lying in a manger.

Suddenly, with the Angel there appeared a huge crowd of Angels in Heaven praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

The Angels then ascended back into Heaven and left the shepherds. The shepherds were so excited at what they witnessed they said to each other, let’s go to Bethlehem and see Baby Jesus which the Lord has told us about! As they came into the town of Bethlehem they found Mary and Joseph along with Baby Jesus lying in the manger just as they were told by the Angel of the Lord.

The shepherds were so excited at the sight of Baby Jesus they went throughout the town of Bethlehem and told all the people about the birth of Baby Jesus and the experience they had with the Angels in Heaven.

Then the shepherds once again returned to the side of Baby Jesus and glorified and thanked God for all the things they had heard and seen.

Questions for Children:

  1. What was the name of the Angel that visited Mary?


  1. What was the name of the town where Gabriel the Angel visited Mary?


  1. Did God love Mary?


  1. Who gave Mary Baby Jesus?


  1. What was Mary’s husband’s name?


  1. Where did Mary and Joseph travel to in order to pay their taxes?


  1. Where was Baby Jesus born?


  1. Who appeared to the shepherds in the field on the night of Baby Jesus’ birth?

The Angel of the Lord

  1. What did the Angel of the Lord tell the shepherds in the field?

Today a Saviour is born in Bethlehem, his name is Jesus Christ!

  1. What did the shepherds do after they were visited by the Angel of the Lord?

Go visit Baby Jesus in Bethlehem

Merry Christmas from World Events and the Bible!

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