They Want To Ban Assault Weapons, Again

Today, backbones are in rare supply it would seem.

On the heels of the Uvalde school shooting, liberals and their sympathizers are once again calling for gun control. These shouts are being amplified by the mainstream media which does a fine job at dividing and misleading the public.

Coincidentally enough, the National Rifle Association held a pre-scheduled convention just days after the Uvalde shooting. Unfortunately, several attendees were successfully guilted into not attending.

There went the backbones.

By not attending, these individuals present a message that guns are bad in their mind.

However, the reality is far different.

Guns are not bad, people are bad.

Case in point…

Just days ago, a nutjob in Charlotte, Virginia started shooting into a crowd of people. However, a woman carrying a concealed firearm shot and killed the criminal and saved countless lives.

I bet you didn’t hear that one on TV.

Do you know why?

It goes against the narrative.

Over the weekend, 38 people were shot and 6 killed in Chicago. Just another day in heavily gun-regulated Chicago. As it turns out, criminals don’t follow the laws of the land.

Shocking, I know.

By the way, criminals don’t even need guns to commit crimes. Just days ago, a man was randomly stabbed in New York City.

You probably didn’t hear about that one either.

Two reasons, the race of the perp and the weapon of choice.

By now, you have long forgotten about Darrel Brooks who called for violence against white people. He later killed 5 and injured 48 when he ran them over with his SUV during a Christmas parade.

The media quickly helped you forget about that one as well.

We certainly forgot about the prophet of doom.

The true problem we have in this country is a lying problem. A fail to reconize the truth problem. Overall, our corporations and media don’t care about the truth, they only care about driving their agenda.

Another case in point, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Harris Calls To Ban Assault Weapons

Raging lefty Kamala Harris took the Uvlade school shooting as an opportunity to call for a firearms ban.

“On the issue of gun violence, I will say, as I’ve said countless times, we are not sitting around waiting to figure out what the solution looks like. You know, we’re not looking for a vaccine,” Harris said. “We know what works on this. It includes, let’s have an assault weapons ban.”


Let’s have an assault weapons ban?

“You know what an assault weapon is? You know how an assault weapon was designed?” Harris continued. “It was designed for a specific purpose – to kill a lot of human beings quickly. An assault weapon is a weapon of war with no place, no place in a civil society.”


The fact of the matter is, “assault weapon” is a made-up term to make firearms sound bad. Nearly all firearms are semi-automatic which means, for every trigger pull you get one round out of the barrel.

It’s just like firing a pistol.

People like Harris make these statements to brainwash the unknowing public.

By the way, this quote from Harris is what she has been saying for years.

Take a look at this clip from 2019.


Same line just another day.

It’s all scripted and they continue the line over and over again until they are sucessful at brainwasing the public.

It should be obvious to you, we do not really have a “civil society”. If we did, that man we talked about earlier wouldn’t have randomly stabbed another civilian. The fact of the matter is, there are crazies out there. So we need firearms to protect ourselves from said crazies.

Just ask the woman who iced the bad guy in Charlotte.

Ahh, but we have more from Kamala, this next clip is also from 2019.

Well, turns out she is a liar and “doesn’t care about the children”.

She said within 100 days of obtaining office, which she did, she would enact executive action (aka illegal) to implement gun control.

That never happened.

She is only cackling about this now to reignite the not so great gun control debate.

The Second Amendment

By now, you are probably hearing more and more about gun control. Perhaps, you are even persuaded. Heck, just the other day I saw a talking head mention that we should properly interpret the second amendment, as if it’s some ancient manuscript in another language.

Here, let’s read the second amendment together, and you tell me if we need an “interpreter”.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Now, I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but it says our right to keep and bear firearms “shall not be infringed”.

It’s pretty short and sweet, and even mentions we should have a “militia”. That’s what the mainstream media continually tries to demonize.

Hey, when you are attempting to overthrow a nation, you want to get rid of the peoples right to defend themselves and their country. That’s why the liberal world order is constantly attacking our right to defend ourselves.

In case you are still wondering how I feel about this whole subject.

You can quote me like ol Chuck Heston.

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