Why Do Mass Shootings Keep Happening?

Humanity is beginning to break.

It seems with each new day, there is some new calamity that grips our nation and world. Just days ago, it was the latest mass shooting that took place in America. This time, at an elementary school in Texas where 19 children and 2 teachers lost their lives.

A travesty of epic proportions, especially for the families who lost a loved one.

This comes on the heels of the shooting in Buffalo that killed 10 and multiple shootings in California over the last month. Then, on any day of the week, you can search “Chicago shooting” and there are headlines to be found.

Biden’s Lies

Considering the latest shooting in Texas, it didn’t take people long to look past the sorrow of the victims family to politicize the event. President Joe Biden appears to be one of the first.

Did you catch what Biden said?

Mass shootings, especially in schools only happen in America.

Do you believe that?

I hope not, it’s not true at all.

It’s propaganda.

Globally, the United States doesn’t even rank in the top 10 school massacres of all time. In fact, you won’t find the United States until #13, which took place in 1927. It’s called, the “Bath School disaster” and it involved dynamite, not a gun.

So, are guns really the problem?

Instead of focusing on the family, Biden did what radical liberals always do.

Go for the guns.

In a longer version of the speech, Biden continually says, “in God’s name” or “for God’s sake”. It seems the only time we say God anymore is when we want to emphasize a political point.


Newsom’s Short Memory

Not to be left out, California Governor Gavin Newsom joined ranks.

Newsom quickly forgot about the Laguna Woods church shooting, the San Bernardino party shooting, and the downtown Sacramento shooting that recently took place in his state. All in a state with some of the most strict gun laws in the Union.

It’s obvious, Newsom’s concern does not lie with the broken-hearted family members. Instead, he seeks to demonize firearms and advance his party’s political agenda.

Personally, I find that disgusting.

Beto’s Shame

As sad as these two responses are, nothing beats former Congressman Beto O’Rourke who interrupted Texas Governor Greg Abbot’s press conference on the Texas shooting.

Abbot’s response was absolutely fantastic.

He didn’t berate Beto’s disgraceful attempt to shame him, instead, Abbot turned to the family and America, and kept the focus on the issue at hand.

Their sorrow.

Are Guns Really The Problem?

Instead of jumping to the conclusion that we need to ban guns everytime there is a shooting, we need to start asking the real questions. We need to find the root cause of the problem, it’s not guns.

I recall talking to the old-timers at the hospital I used to work for. They were all in their 60s. They would tell me,

“When we went to high school, we all had rifles on the gun rack in our pickups. We all went hunting after school.”

I remember the first time I heard that, I thought, no one was ever concerned that someone was going to go shoot up a school. The pickups were unlocked and so were the rifles. Then I remember back in the late 80s, my Dad had a rifle on the gun rack.

It’s just what guys did back then, and no one thought anything about it.

We didn’t have mass shootings then, and guns were in plain sight.

So the problem is not guns.

Something changed.

We changed, our nation changed, and so did our world.

We Have A Mental Illness Problem

The true problem we have today is mental illness and our failure to recognize it.

That’s why shooting incidents have spiked 52% since 2020.

It is being reported, both the Buffalo and Uvalde shooters abused animals. They even displayed videos of the cruelty to users on social media. That’s always a major sign of mental illness and the disturbance of one’s mind.

Yet, in today’s society we are afraid to talk about these things for some reason. It might not be “diverse” and “inclusive” enough. The fact of the matter is, we have millions of people in this country and around the world who are mentally disturbed.

That is one of the main root causes of our issues today.

Unfortunately, the mainstream media is not helping matters. Instead, they simply blame the problem on young male rage. Hey, we have always had young males, but they didn’t become this crazy until modern times.

In fact, look at this graphic from Times Union.

School shootings have skyrocketed since 2018, more prominently, since 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic.

What happened during 2020?

We all know.

The world was on lockdown inside their homes, isolated from one another over a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. Many of us knew then, that we would face many mental health issues looking forward, and the chickens are coming home to roost.

No, I’m not blaming this soley on the lockdowns, but it’s certainly a big part of it.

Instead, I’m blaming this primarily on mental illness.

Mental Illness Is Real

Reports of PTSD, Depression and Anxiety in young people are escalating.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been on the rise in the United States, especially in the last two years. A recent survey of 18-to-30 year olds published in the journal Psychiatry Research, found 32% of young adults had high levels of PTSD symptoms. They expressed more loneliness and worries, particularly as it related to COVID-19.


Time magazine just ran a headline, Why So Many Young Adults with Depression Don’t Get Treatment.

The opening paragraph reads,

Depression affects more young adults than any other adult age group. Each year, 7.5% of U.S. adults suffer from at least one major depressive episode: characterized by persistent sadness, diminished interest in activities, feelings of emptiness, hopelessness, or other similar symptoms lasting at least two weeks. But 17% of people ages 18 to 25 did in 2020, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH). Major depressive episodes are usually signs of clinical depression.

That’s a 10% jump since the pandemic.

That’s no accident, that’s no coincidence.

The next paragraph states,

That’s an even bigger problem than it seems, because a study published May 10 in JAMA Network Open found that most of these young people are also not being treated. From 2011 to 2019, 53% of young adults who had experienced a major depressive episode in the past year did not receive treatment.

53% of young adults experianced major depression and did not recieve treatment.

That’s a mental health issue.

Clearly, these mass shooters are also mentally ill.

No one of a sane mind goes and shoots up a school full of children.

Look what else we have.

It’s expected that, after two years of multiple disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic, there would be repercussions on our collective mental health. As recent research has shown, it is heavily impacting children and teens.

Since 2009, rates of suicide among youth and young adults have been on the rise. Depression, hopelessness and suicide ideation among them are alarmingly widespread, a trend challenging families across the country

Miami Hearld

The last two quotes tell us, mental health issues are a major escalating concern and problem for our people, especially young people today. This isn’t a new problem, but it’s dramatically escalated since the pandemic.

So what is causing all of our mental health issues?

Ironically enough, depression and other mental health issues began to rise shortly after smartphones and social media became mainstream.

Mental Illness Is Caused By Societal Changes

Society is what causes the many problems we face today.

People don’t suddenly become mentall ill for no reason, guns didn’t do that.

It’s the decisions we all make as a society, by what we accept as common and normal. In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled that homosexual marriage should be allowed. This was a major change in our society.

Since that time, we have seen political groups go out of their way to make way for homosexuals. To make this type of behavior seem normal and acceptable.


Depression affects LGBTQIA+ folks at higher rates than straight and cisgender folks. LGBTQIA+ youth are more likely than straight students to report high levels of drug use and feelings of depression.


More alarming.

Somewhere between 30 and 60 percent of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, or transgender people deal with anxiety and depression at some point in their lives. That rate is 1.5 to 2.5 times higher than that of their straight or gender-conforming counterparts.


So we have normalized a segment of society that suffers from mental health issues, and told everyone to accept their mental health issue as normal. That doesn’t fix their problem, it only justifies their mental illness and teaches us to accept it.

This has led to things like “drag queen story hour” in libraries for children as young as 2. This will only lead to more mental illness in our youth later down the line.

The problems we face are not just accepting mental illness, but accepting medical drugs.

Pharmasudical Drugs

In 2021, a record 107,000 Americans died due to drug overdose. That’s a 15% jump.


A new survey finds 55 percent of Americans regularly take a prescription medicine — and they’re taking more than ever.


The CDC said,

In 2015–2016, 45.8% of the U.S. population used prescription drugs in the past 30 days.

also see: Prescription Drug Abuse Statistics

Within just a 30 day window, half of America is on some form of prescription drug.

This is astounding.

According to the Mayo Clinic,

68.1% of the population received a prescription from at least 1 drug group, 51.6% received prescriptions from 2 or more groups, and 21.2% received prescriptions from 5 or more groups.

Americans are on so many drugs, it shows up in our drinking water.

Does that sound healthy to you?

Moreover, society is now telling us that we should allow our youth to use puberty blockers to alter their sexuality. That’s an act against nature itself, but we are told this should be acceptable in a “modern society”.

Society Has Taken A Wrong Turn

I have merely identified a few of the many issues plaguing our nation and world. What mankind has done in the last 20-30 years has done nothing to make society better.

Instead, we have pandered to certain political beliefs and sought financial gain over our health.

We talk about climate change, and all sorts of frivolous issues that mean nothing. The earth’s climate has always changed, man certainly didn’t cause the last ice age. Nor did mankind cause the earth to warm and end it.

Man tells us that we evolved instead of having a Divine Creator.

All this does is breed more depression and anxiety.

What is the purpose of living if you are only a blip on the endless scales of time?

This is why Canada euthanizes the poor and other people.

Society has taught us to deny God in order to make way for other beliefs. This has clearly proven to be disasterous for our nation and entire world. If we do not have war, we have financial calamity. In fact, calamity has become the new normal.

Doesn’t that tell us we have made a wrong turn?

It is high time that we look at our history to understand the present. That we look at how we have changed as a society, to identify what has worked, from what has not.

It is high time, that we turn back to God as a nation and rebuff those who would tell us otherwise.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14
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