Things Are Not Looking Good

As I think about our future, I do not like what I see. I would like to share some thoughts with you today about the current state of our world.

I see governments the world over continue to remove freedom from the people while conditioning them to accept their agenda. The agenda changes from time to time as we have seen over the years, but the end result is always the loss of freedom for the people.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, we have seen a global population willingly accept social distancing guidelines and the wearing of face masks without question. When we dive into the details, we discover face masks do nothing for the healthy, and may even be harmful to us.

The Small Business Owner

Propaganda like face masks and social distancing are psychological tools that have helped to bankrupt the little guy, while filling the pockets of the mega-rich.

Think about it, Mom and Pop shop businesses have and are being destroyed by social distancing guidelines. Businesses like restaurants now operate at 50% capacity due to government-imposed COVID-19 restrictions.

That means 50% of their income has vanished. It is highly unlikely these sorts of businesses can survive the current crisis much longer.

There are certain costs baked into their business model that must be accounted for. I am talking about the lease for their restaurant and things like insurance, power, gas, water, sewer, and so on. Those costs did not drop by 50%. Those costs are still very real, amid vanishing income.

So how much longer can these type of businesses survive until they go bankrupt?

This is not a joke, if this trend continues, we are going to see massive bankruptcies across our nation which will only lead to more economic ruin. As each one of us ends up with less money, we have less money to spend to stimulate the economy…

The Average Joe

Then we have the Average Joe. The guy who lost his job during this manufactured crisis. Sure, the federal government sent out stimulus checks to “help” families, even $600 a week for those who became unemployed during the crisis.

Yet, when we really think about it, that money did not help out these people. All it did was enable them to buy the necessities to survive another day. Meanwhile, this money was funneled to mega corps like Amazon and Walmart.

Essentially, all the government did was pass a buck to each of us, so we could pass it along to the big boys who padded their pockets. In fact, the rich have become richer during this crisis.

How could that even be possible?

For the reasons which we just pointed out. Reasons we have talked about many times by now.

Universal Basic Income

Unless something changes and things magically go back to “normal”, we are going to hear more and more about Universal Basic Income. The government stimulus check you received was just that.

You have heard of this term many times by now. As we look around the globe we see Germany is the latest country to try it. Selected Germans will receive $1,400 a month for 3 years.

Let me tell you something, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

If you accept money from the government, you will do the bidding of the government. Recently, the Chinese government threatened to remove aid from those who refused to abandon their Christian faith.

Don’t think it cannot happen here or in any other nation, we live in the year 2020 where anything is possible. Remember, you are probably wearing a face mask nowadays just to go to the store, because the government said so.

Our Future

The future is bleak.

Small businesses remain closed or operate at reduced capacity. Churches cannot open due to government-imposed COVID-19 restrictions. Yet, you can shop at Walmart without a hitch.

Meanwhile, governments continue to press vaccines upon the people and remove more of our freedoms by the day.

That does not sound like a future where the people prosper, but tyranny. As the days continue to pass, we will see more tyranny concealed as care and concern for the people. Pray to God, ask Him to help you see the lies that are being perpetrated on the people. They will only become worse.

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

1 Corinthians 10:13
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