Threat To Destroy U.S. Capital Pinned On Iran

I have been tracking some interesting news concerning Iran for the last week or so. Then last night, big news broke. Several U.S. air traffic controllers in New York heard a “chilling threat”.

An Attack On The U.S. Capitol

The ominous voice said,

“We are flying a plane into the Capitol on Wednesday. Soleimani will be avenged.”


CBS adds,

The threat refers to Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian general killed last year in a U.S. drone strike ordered by President Trump. It was made on the one-year anniversary of Soleimani’s death, for which Iranian officials have long vowed revenge.

So we can see, the mainstream media just pinned the blame for this incident on Iran. At least, that was the psychological impact on the minds of the American people.

I feel this is a great setup, whether or not anything really does occur. Maybe I would have been more convinced if the recording was not a robot, but a real person from Persia… Probably not.

Iran In The News

In the days prior, numerous reports and rumors were swirling around.

Then just days ago, NBC reported,

The U.S. has seen increasing indications that Iran could be planning an attack against American forces or interests in the Middle East, according to a U.S. official.

This threat was thought to be due to, the U.S. murder of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.

U.S.S. Nimitz Returns To Persian Gulf

In yet another report, U.S.S. Nimitz aircraft carrier was on its way home when it was ordered to turn around due to escalating threats from Iran.

The Pentagon said on Sunday that it had ordered the aircraft carrier Nimitz to remain in the Middle East because of Iranian threats against President Trump and other American officials, just three days after sending the warship home as a signal to de-escalate rising tensions with Tehran.

New York Times

So we have a flurry of news concerning Iran in a negative light here. By the way, you do not “de-escalate” a situation by bringing an aircraft carrier to the region.

Aircraft carriers are for war, and they come with a whole fleet of ships to support the carrier.

Iran And Bible Prophecy

My eye is always on Iran as the Bible discusses Persia in the last days. In fact, a conflict with Persia is a major event that will indicate exactly where we are on God’s Biblical timeline.

I encourage you to read, “Daniel’s Vision: The Ram And The Goat.” Prophecy is lining up very well.

Stay alert, stay focused on God and keep your head up.

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