The Biden Catastrophes

It’s safe to say, we are witnessing some of the worst catastrophes in American history, all at the same time. From the horrendous pullout in Afghanistan, to COVID-19, to the border crisis, to the economy, and race relations.

Biden’s Afghanistan

To say the Biden Administration pullout in Afghanistan is a failure, would be an epic understatement. I am quite certain, monkeys could have done a better job.

It seems there has been no thought or coordination among our own government or other governments whatsoever. That is not an exaggeration, see our last two articles on this.

To make matters worse, Department of Defense spokesman John Kirby essentially admitted, there is no plan to get Americans out of Afghanistan. Being, Americans we are not already at the airport in Kabul.

As Kirby stated, Americans need to get to the airport.

How exactly are they going to do that John?

The Taliban is surrounding the airport.

Does anyone have any idea how scary this situation must be for American’s still in Afghanistan?

Most of these people are probably contractors for the U.S. Government. They worked for the U.S. government in some capacity and our own government is telling them, ‘ohh, you better get to the airport’.

My Lord in Heaven!

To make matters worse, CNN Clarissa Ward said,

“No way they’re (Americans) going to be able to navigate that. Very dicey. Very dangerous.”

Of course it’s a dicey situation!

A terrorist organization has just been given an entire county with billions of dollars in U.S. Armaments.

This is a historic failure of epic proportions.

Moreover, our troops were ordered to leave by Biden before American civilians were removed!


Biden removed the troops, a calamity ensued, and he sent the troops back in.

By definition, the guy and his crew have no clue.

Biden attempted to put out the fire by saying,

‘We will stay past the August 31st deadline if necessary to get all Americans out’.

Sure Joe, sure.

Yet, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said,

‘We cannot send forces outside of the airfield to save Americans’.

“Cannot”, “save”, and “Americans” are words that should never be in the same sentence.

Austin goes on to say,

“We don’t have the capability to go out and collect a large number of Americans”.

at 3:10 mark video below

Don’t have the capability?

We are the United States of America. We have the best military in the world.

What is this guy talking about?

Check out this video and listen to Milley as well.

General Mark Milley said, the State Department is working with the Taliban to ensure safe passage for Americans stuck outside of Kabul, in order to get them to the airport.

Folks, can you believe this?!

Working with the Taliban, working with terrorists to ensure safety?

Had our brilliant government evacuated Americans before they left, and evacuated them according to the May 1st deadline, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.

Failure, failure, failure!!!

Meanwhile, Britain has been sending in paratroopers to collect Britain citizens from Afghanistan. They have the capability, but we don’t.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said,

This is the greatest debacle that NATO has seen since its foundation, and it is an epochal change that we are facing.

Moreover, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the retired Hillary Clinton to discuss Afghanistan.


Biden is not talking with world leaders about the crisis.

My guess, he is absolutely incompetent, as the rest of his Administration. This is what happens when you ensure you have the most diverse Administration in history.

Can it get worse?


Austin admits Afghan pilots stole U.S. fighter jets and fled the country in them.

How many?

Who knows!

Can it get worse?


Right now, we don’t know how many Americans are in Afghanistan.

It’s estimated between 10,000-30,000+.

The picture is grim already, but we can imagine a situation far worse than 9/11 involving thousands upon thousands of Americans.

Please, pray for our people there and the safety of all people.

Biden’s COVID

Despite numerous vaccines and huge compliance, COVID continues to spread. It’s spreading as The Vaccine Is Causing The Virus To Be More Infectious, per the inventor of the mRNA vaccine.

It’s spreading due to the variants which the vaccines cannot effectively protect against. None of it matters as the Delta variant has a 99.9% survival rate.

Now Biden is ordering nursing home staff to get the vaccine or the facilities will lose federal funds. These are bullying tactics, these are tactics of an out of control dictator.

That is not America!

Now Biden is threatening legal action against Florida and Texas, all in the name of protecting the children. Biden wants them vaxxed and masked.

What about what they want?

What about states right?

Who cares says Biden.

By the way, vaccinated Texas Governor Gregg Abbott contracted COVID-19 and he is doing just fine. Of course he will be fine, his health was good before COVID.

Just like 70+ year old Donald Trump who had COVID during his Presidency.

Folks, a real pandemic does not need fear and 24/7 news coverage, only psychological wars need that.

Biden’s Border

While our southern border has always been a problem, Biden made it worse.

In fact, border encounters are now at a 21-year high!

Do you know why?

We all know why!

Biden and friends don’t mind the extra Democrat votes and he wants to destroy America!

We keep being told by Biden we need to get the vaccine and those who have taken it now need the ol booster shot.

Yet, illegal immigrants infested with COVID and everything else get free passage, free welfare, and free healthcare in a community near you. Biden doesn’t care about your concerns, just pay your taxes already, the illegals need the cash-o-la.

The fact is, Biden and these vermin in office do not care about you.

They don’t care about the Americans stuck in Afghanistan either.

Biden’s Economy

Do you realize there are 42 million Americans on welfare?

To make matters worse, Biden just gave food stamps their biggest boost in history. Biden increased food stamp benefits by 25%!!!

Free money baby!

Add to that:

  • The free money people receive in never-ending unemployment benefits.
  • The free money people receive in monthly checks for the child tax credit.
  • The free money people receive by not paying rent and their mortgage due to eviction memorandums.

That is socialism, not America.

Meanwhile, everyone is hiring!

Everywhere we go, there are hiring signs.

In fact, on a drive yesterday we stopped for a break at a tourist spot. They were not serving ice cream this season, you know why?

There were not enough employees.

Why work when you can get Biden’s free COVID Cash?

Now that’s just one little tourist spot, in one little town.

They are losing money, someone doesn’t have a job, and the ice cream manufacture sells less ice cream which means they lay off someone. Multiply this by millions. Our nation is (has) going to lose a massive amount of economic production.

While the government prints more and more money to save us…

All it really does is make us dependent on government and make our dollars worth less.

This is a travesty, this is a crime against the American people by our own government.

I have to cut this short…

I have to go water my tree called, Liberty.

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