Why Are These 10 States Leading The Economic Recovery?

Interestingly enough, the top 10 states leading the economic recovery are those controlled by Republican Governors, and primarily, they are red states. Most of these states re-opened much sooner than blue states. Hence, their strong economic recovery.

If we listened to the mainstream media, everyone in the red states should be stone dead by now. But hey, they are working and enjoying life while the mainstream media continues to peddle lies to those who will listen.

Now the data comes from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics.

Top 10 States With Lowest Unemployment

Here are the top 10 states with the lowest unemployment rate as of July 2021.

  1. Nebraska: 2.3 percent
  2. Utah: 2.6 percent
  3. New Hampshire: 2.9 percent
  4. South Dakota: 2.9 percent
  5. Idaho: 3.0 percent
  6. Vermont: 3.0 percent
  7. Alabama: 3.2 percent 
  8. Oklahoma: 3.5 percent
  9. Montana: 3.6 percent
  10. Georgia: 3.7 percent

Remember, South Dakota never locked down and they held two Sturgis motorcycle events.

Shouldn’t everyone in South Dakota be dead by now?

If you listened to Fauci and Friends, sure.

Yet, wise Americans don’t listen to liars and dictators, do they?

Here is a map of red and blue states; Republicans have full control in 23 states, while the Democrats have full control in 15 states.

Bottom 10 States With Highest Unemployment

Alright, now let’s look at the 10 losers, I mean, the 10 worst states. We’ll throw D.C. in the mix, because they know best.

Unfortunately, this bunch boasts *cough* the highest unemployment rates in the nation.

  1.  Arizona: 6.6 percent
  2.  Louisiana*: 6.6 percent
  3.  Pennsylvania: 6.6 percent
  4.  Washington, DC: 6.7 percent
  5.  Illinois: 7.1 percent
  6.  Hawaii: 7.3 percent
  7.  New Jersey: 7.3 percent
  8.  California: 7.6 percent
  9.  New Mexico: 7.6 percent
  10.  New York: 7.6 percent
  11.  Nevada: 7.7 percent

Arizona is the sole red state on the loser list, the rest of these states are all blue.

Why do these states have the highest unemployment rates in the nation?

The lockdowns, when they were done locking down, then they locked down some more. Closing up businesses and continuing to prevent the free flow of commerce has been a disaster.

Instead of Americans getting a job and working, these blue states have encouraged socialism through never ending unemployment benefits, free rent, and free Federal Government money from Señor Biden.

So yes kiddos, if you lockdown, people will lose their jobs which means the economy is going to stink. If you let people work and make their own choices, well then, they will thrive.

Amazing concept huh?

Now I know what you’re thinking…

States COVID Comparison

How do the top 10 states compare in COVID cases and deaths?

Great question!

Now according to the CDC, in the last 7 days, there have been 870,682 cases of COVID in the country, 4,844 of those people died. If you click on either of those links, it will provide this data along with a map of the nation.

Notice, the top 10 economic recovery states have lower case and death counts than the bottom 10 economic recovery states. Just glance it over, it’s certainly not higher is it.


Now if masking, social distancing, and vaccination were really the answer, then why do the red states outperform the blue states here?

Perhaps if we stopped testing for COVID, it would go away, huh?


Play with those maps a little bit. Also check out this map from USAFacts.org.

Remember, the mainstream media throws all these case numbers at us, but they rarely mention how few are actually dying.

In fact, when we take the CDCs numbers, we find only 6% of all cases led to death from COVID-19 (37,768,911 total cases / 626,833 total deaths). That means, anyone contracting COVID has a 94% chance of surviving, but it gets better.

Additional data from the CDC tells us, 95% of those who die from COVID, had four other health-related illnesses already! We when dial it in even more, we find that 80% of all COVID deaths, are from those aged 65 and over.

Could it be that most of these 65 and over people had 4 other illnesses in addition to COVID and that caused their death?

Ding, ding!

We have a winner Jimmy!

That means, COVID is only deadly if you are already in extremely poor health, as in, 4 other illnesses. No wonder the CDC told us in the beginning,

Most people have mild COVID-19 illness and can recover at home without medical care.


Therefore, no one should be telling us we cannot hold a job if we are not vaccinated. Our employer should not, neither should our government.

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