20 U.S. Cities Have Universal Basic Income Programs Giving Residents $500 A Month

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is something we continue to hear about. Essentially, the Federal Governments COVID unemployment benefits are another form of UBI. Paying people to sit at home. This does not help the people, and it certainly does not help our economy.

In case you forget, UBI is a system where the government will pay every citizen a base salary to cover the costs of food and rent. We are going to talk about this today in a few articles circling in the news.

Residents Of More Than 20 Cities In US Are Receiving $500 A Month Universal Basic Income Payments

Residents in cities across the country are receiving $500 per month payments as part of a no-strings-attached experimental universal basic income program. 

Now places from Compton, California, to Richmond, Virginia, are trying out pilot guaranteed income programs as researchers hope the results give them a fuller picture of what happens when a range of people are sent payments that guarantee a basic living, AP reported. 

Daily Mail

There are now 20 U.S. cities providing Universal Basic Income programs to their citizens. So you can sit on your butt and get paid $500 a month for doing nothing.

In this article, we are told some of the people are working and they need this money in order to get by. Look, getting by has always been tough. In fact, Jesus said the poor will always be with us, (Matthew 26:11).

That means life will always be tough. It means if you want to get ahead, you might have to go work two jobs. It means you might have to go get an education to get a higher paying job.

Nevertheless, the government is never the answer. Folks, we are the government. When the government gives money away, that money comes from someone’s pocket. Some taxpayer, so it changes hands. However, in today’s world of never ending debt that only continues to grow, this money is even manufactured out of nowhere.

In this scenario, the more money the government whips up, the more inflation rises. The more inflation goes up, the more housing, products, and services rise. There is no getting out of it. All this is doing is creating more reliance on the government. The government that brought you the COVID-19 pandemic.

Then factor in Wall Street buying up residential homes and renting them out. America is being destroyed. This is not hyperbole, this has been happening for generations, but it has escalated exponentially in the last few years.

Biden’s Child Tax Credit Payments Of $250 Per Month Per Child To Be Deposited In Parent’s Accounts

Thirty-nine million households across the United States will be receiving monthly child tax credit payments starting July 15, the Biden administration announced Monday.

Starting July 15, qualifying families will each get monthly payments up to $300 for each child under 6 and up to $250 for each child 6 to 17.

Families with annual incomes over $150,000 for married couples, over $112,500 for heads of households, and over $75,000 individuals will not be qualified for the increased amounts, according to the IRS.


Here we go, more of the same. This is a calamity!

We can clearly see the Federal Government creating massive reliance upon itself. Everything we covered in just this article shows how U.N. Agenda 2030 is kicking into high gear. When you take from the Federal Government, the government owns you.

One day, people will become so reliant on this government aid, they will be blinded by it and turn against their own ideals in order to keep this financial aid. That is what we are being set up for. Revelation 13:17 should have just crossed your mind.

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