Trudeau Mulls Making Coronavirus Vaccine Mandatory For Canadians

The Canadian Communist better known as Justin Trudeau is thinking over the idea of mandatory vaccination for Canadians.

Canada is a socialist country, but does that give Trudeau absolute dictatorship controls over his people?

Not even close, and I hope Canadians stand up to any such order.

Here is what the Commie had to say,

“We are still, unfortunately, a long way from having a vaccine. Just finding the vaccine is the first step, the next step will be producing the vaccines in sufficient numbers to inoculate everyone, or almost everyone, that is something that we are preparing already. As to what sort of vaccination protocols will be in place, we still have a fair bit of time to reflect on that in order to get it right.” Trudeau said.

Ted Kuntz was asked about this idea of forced vaccination. He is the president of Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC), which is a non-profit organization founded by families who have suffered from side effects of vaccines.

This is what Kuntz said,

“When asked if a CV 19 vaccine might become mandatory for Canadians, Trudeau has repeatedly failed to take such an egregious violation of our constitutional rights and freedoms ‘off the table.’ This is unacceptable,”

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