Trump Declared Coronavirus National Emergency

WEB Notes: This comes on the heels of Trump calling the coronavirus fear and hype. The quick shift seems to be a re-election strategy…

Either he believes the coronavirus is the threat it is made out to be, or he doesn’t.

From indications and the press conferences I have seen. Trump does not seem that concerned. Yet, that is troubling if true since he declared a national emergency that freed up $50 billion we do not have.

The stock market jumped on the news to a new all time single day high on Friday, those gains are now wiped out looking at the market today.

This just shows how conditioned we have become as a people to mainstream media manipulation, even the President. Meanwhile, the Democrats barked about passing a new bill which was loaded with programs unrelated to the coronavirus. Some of those programs were removed, yet other provisions were still in place which is why 40 Republicans voted against it.

More details about the national emergency

Important regulations have now been removed, and during the press conference that was spun to mean the regulations just got in the way before, and were now, not that important. What else is going to happen here?

Ask questions.

It is creating a public-private partnership that will be used to fight the coronavirus. I heard CEOs from major corporations tell us how they are here to help us. Target was kind enough to keep their stores open, just for you, not their bottom line of course. But then again, real Christians do not shop at Target since they do not support our values.

A national emergency was called to calm the public. But then again, why is the public in fear? Due to the government and mainstream media who keep pushing fear and panic.

Now we are given a new term called, “social distancing”. Hey, if we were not distant before with our smartphones, we certainly will be now!

This whole thing smells rotten, now there are discussions the federal government will begin to restrict domestic travel in the country. This is not martial law, but if it were any other emergency people would be screaming for their rights. But not this time.

Do you see how easily we can be manipulated?

Meaning, businesses are now starting to suffer over a manufactured crisis. Yes, people have died. Yes, it is a real virus, but it is not that serious people. This has been overblown to no end. We are being manipulated.

President Trump on Friday declared a national emergency under the Stafford Act in response to the growing coronavirus pandemic.

“To unleash the full efforts of the federal government for this effort today, I am officially declaring a national emergency — two very big words,” he said in the Rose Garden.

Source: Trump declares national emergency on coronavirus: Here’s what that means | Fox News

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