Trump Unveils Plan To Open America Amid Record Deaths

As I am sure you have heard by now, the President is encouraging the states to begin re-opening, many of which had already made their own plans. However, I find something very interesting about this.

Open Country Amid Record Deaths

I have kept a close eye on the death toll from the Coronavirus, over the last week or so the numbers were trending down. That is, until the last few days when the daily death toll climbed to a new record.

Now we have this news about the President wanting to re-open our nation.

Does that not seem odd to you?

I mean our wise wizards have been so concerned about preserving life, they shut down our nation. The President declared a national emergency when only 50 people died. Yet, over 2,000 people died yesterday, and now Trump is ready to open the country.

None of that makes any sense.

Government Created Crisis

Of course, I want the nation to open back up, it should have never been shut to begin with, but that is not the point. Folks, they took away your rights, they told you not to leave your home. Essentially, we have experienced soft martial law in our nation.

This has caused:

  • Government launched an unprecedented $6 trillion bailout package.
  • 22 million Americans have lost their jobs over this.
  • Many businesses have closed for good.
  • Government wants to take stakes in bailed-out companies.
  • Government wants to provide direct funding to farmers.

This is a big deal, a big, big deal. Our government created this crisis. Our government has gone socialist, and few recognize this.

Why Open The Country Now?

Now as we have record deaths from Coronavirus, they are ready to open the economy?

In my opinion, we have at least a couple of things going on here.

  1. Government is becoming concerned by the protests taking place.
  2. Keeping the economy closed much longer will make it nearly impossible to restart.
  3. Enough damage was done, to promote the next agenda.

How about all of them, especially option 3.

Enough damage has been done, the people of the world have been pushed around to the point, the globalists know where they can take us next. This event was no accident, we saw all nations jump on board closing down their borders, and locking down their economies.

This shows us how close to a truly globalized world we are. If you pay close attention, they are still saying we have to social distance. That means they are going to milk this goat for everything it has. They will milk it until there is a vaccine, and then, it is anyone’s guess from here.

This is not over, it is only beginning…

Remember, as we said before this started. Watch the results of their actions.

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