The United States Has Gone Socialist

The news has been abuzz with socialist ideals and policies. Even discussion about Universal Basic Income, income for all even if you do not work. Worse yet, talk of government stakes in companies who accept bailout money. Let’s talk about it.

2008 Bailout

During the 2008 Financial Collapse, the United States played the bailout game. You know, where they create money out of thin air and provide it to who they deem.

They provided manufactured funds to mega-corporations who earn billions in profits. Companies that were wise enough to make billions, but foolish enough not to save for a rainy day.

Then the government bailed out the banks, yes, the same banks charging you interest, the same banks who make billions and billions in profit.

Meanwhile, Main Street as they call it, that would be you and I, received the bill. Yet, we were the ones hit hardest by the financial catastrophe.

We had to take a little trip down memory lane to understand the next part.

Coronavirus Bailout

Our nation is at it again, bailing out mega-corporations and banks to the tune of over $6 trillion when it’s all said and done. This time, they decided to throw you a bone in the form of a $1,200 dollar check. Money that was yours to begin with, hush money of sorts to keep you from getting upset by the billions flowing to the banks and other mega-corps.

Meanwhile, the bailout funds for small business just went dry, at a measly $349 billion.

Yet, this thought of money being created out of thin air, and being passed around is giving rise to the thought of a Universal Basic Income. It is all the buzz in the controlled mainstream media, even the ol Pope is talking about Universal Basic Income.

It gets worse, our own Federal Government has a bill that proposes to give Americans $2,000 a month during a Pandemic. Whether it will pass is anyone’s guess, but just this concept is enough to make one lose their lunch.

You Don’t Work, You Don’t Eat

I always like to see what God thinks about a situation. God said,

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. – 2 Th 3:10

That simply means, if thou failest to pickest up thy shovel, thou shalt not eatest lunch.

Seems pretty simple to me.

But hey, man does not care about God, so let’s continue their thought.

Government Payments To Farmers

This article explains the government wants to send payments directly to farmers.


Due to the government created Coronavirus crisis.

Yes! Since prices have crashed in the farming industry, farmers are actually dumping milk. So now the government wants to step in.

The ol one, two punch. Create a crisis, provide the solution, and the sheep go wild!

Government Stakes In Companies

Other news articles explain our conservative President would not mind a stake in other private companies if they accepted Federal Bailout money.

Then we have this article that explains,

The Trump administration is considering paying U.S. oil producers to leave crude in the ground to help alleviate a glut that has caused prices to plummet and pushed some drillers into bankruptcy.

So there you have it.

The bankrupt Federal Government, through the Federal Reserve, is creating more money without value to bailout and potentially acquire stakes in private companies. Combine that with thoughts about a Universal Basic Income, and over 22 million newly unemployed Americans

Things do not look good for our Republic.

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