Uhh Ohh, The Economy Begins To Go Kersplat!

The signs of economic doom are everywhere.

Why it was just a few short months ago when the economy seemed great! But then, a cold morning came along on January 4th, closing the DOW out at an all-time high of 36,799.

Since then…

The economy has gone, kersplat!


That’s a 14% drop in the market since January.

Oh, but the kersplatage is not just in the United States.

No, no!

There is plenty of economic doom to go around.

Here’s a sample of stock markets around the world.

  • Markets in Russia are down ~30% YTD
  • Markets in China are down 10-30% YTD
  • Markets in Germany are down 10-25% YTD


Now I realize, if you are heavily invested in this market, this really stinks!

Yet, I also know the market should have never ever reached these fictitious numbers. After all, it was our government and the Federal Reserve who basically put $10 trillion dollars in circulation since 2020. That right there, led to this enormous spike in stock and asset prices.

It’s also led to record low interest rates and massive inflation for us all.

Moreover, its shot housing through the roof!

So much so, a lot of us cannot afford to buy a home, or we simply will not due to the outrageous prices. So hey, we’re all in this together. We are all feeling the pain.

Now, being the nice guy that I am, I want to offer you a solution for high housing costs…

Right now, we have a limited opportunity just for little ol you!

If you act now, we can move you into the lib capitol of the world, San Fransisco, for the low, low price of $800 a month! Best of all, you get your very own pod to sleep in!

Now, if you’re not jumping for joy at this fine deal, then you clearly have a screw loose.

But for those that are, let’s take a look at your bed, closet, leisure, and eating quarters.

Look at that closet space!

The misses can have at least a pair a shoes in that puppy.

Now, for your convenience, we packed package all into one spacious room, just for you!

Hey, not only are you saving a buck on rent, but you’re being “green”.

Disclaimer: Never mind the bums you have to step over when you leave your “villa”.

Ahh yes, the modern era my friends, how joyous!

This is what money printing has done for us. This is the liberal world order that you always dreamed about that gets better with time.

In all seriousness, have you ever seen such living conditions in a first world nation?

People are living in everything these days to make ends meet. Pods, RVs, “tiny homes” aka Tuff Sheds, and bunking up with Ma and Pa. It’s truly a travesty. The poor and middle class suffer at the expense of the ultra-rich class that rules our world.

You don’t honestly think that $10 trillion they printed was to help you out do you?

I mean, where is the benefit for you?

You’re still contemplating taking me up on the offer for that pod!

We have been reduced to living in ultra tiny spaces all the while being told, “it’s cool man,” “it’s trendy,” “it’s hip”.

Get outta here!

The Government Wants To Help Your Family

Now, according to Joey, that would be your President,

We need a government focused on what families actually need. Think about what Republicans in Congress are actually proposing. Which path is right for you, and for your family, and, frankly, for America? Let’s build on the extraordinary progress we’ve made instead of tearing it down.”

I’m just curious if that includes us domestic terrorists and straight Christians?

Now seriously, did Biden just say, “build on the extraordinary progress” he’s already made?

That must be the joke of the day.

  • We need the government to get the heck out of our way.
  • We need to the government to stop collecting record taxes, month after month, year after year.
  • We need the government to stop playing partisan politics.

We have record inflation, economic ruin, transgender confusion, manufactured racism, and war on his watch. Now China is over there sizing up Taiwan. But yeah, Biden is going to help you and your family. The only one Biden is helping is Ukraine, by funding them with weapons of death.

If you are lucky, maybe he’ll move your whole family into one of my pods.

Oh my word, what madness.


Speaking of inflation, it’s your lucky day!

Inflation is down… from its all-time high last month of 8.6% to 8.3% this month. Now you have some extra jangle in your pocket. I’m full of good news today people!


In other economic news, crypto has begun to sinko.

Bitcoin has lost half of its value in a matter of months.

What’s more disturbing than that?

Coinbase who facilitates crypto trades had an anemic earnings report.

Oh, but it gets better.

Coinbase also made a disclosure that explained, should they go bankrupt, all of your crypto held by them will be gone with the wind! That’s right, your investment is not safe at Coinbase.

This sent shockwaves to the very ends of cyberspace itself. Yet, Brian Armstrong the CEO of Coinbase stepped in to smooth things over by saying, “We have no risk of bankruptcy”.

I feel better now, don’t you?

I almost forgot, one of the “stablecoins” that is supposed to match the United States dollar, cent for cent, is now worth… .30 cents.

Ahh yes, the economic something show just continues on!


Let this all be a lesson to you, humanity is only out for uno-numero.

If you are not in the good ol boys club, then you are a victim of the good ol boys who just so happen to be our world leaders. Not those southern boys down in the dirty dirty.

Also, you always want to remember about something called the “Bible”. It’s thought to contain the Words of Almighty God Himself. In this dusty relic from the past God told us,

Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!”

Isaiah 5:8

The Author of this Holy Book was telling us, pods are bad mojo.

But never mind that, act now, and we’ll move ya on in!

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