The Divide In America Is Widening

We can all feel it.

The great divide in America is widening at an unprecedented pace.

This great divide started just two years ago, arguably earlier, but there can be no doubt of its existence in 2020. Things that were once taboo, suddenly became openly accepted. That is, if you are a radical liberal.

It suddenly became acceptable to riot and loot if you didn’t get your way. It suddenly became acceptable to riot and loot in the name of a dead man.

We all remember Minneapolis, and so many other liberal cities and states that looked like war zones. The mainstream media carefully crafted a narrative that all of these people were somehow, “victims”.

That created a great expanse in racial divisions, not seen in decades.

How quickly the media forgot…

Just a few short years ago, we had a… Black President.

White Supremacy

Yet, the looney left would love for you to believe “white supremacy” is holding down “people of color”. Yes, you white folks are “privileged” dontchaknow.

This never-ending rhetoric has created more, division. Division fostered and used by standing President Joe Biden who said,

Terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today — not ISIS, not al Qaeda — white supremacists.”

CNS News

Ahh yes, whitey is the problem.

The radical liberals would love for you to believe, that white people are the problem. They teach it in schools, why even the government has deemed the National Archives Rotunda “racist”. These days, anything you do not agree with is “racist”.

Apparently I was raised all wrong. I was always taught we are not supposed to “judge a book by its cover,” instead, we look at the heart of an individual. I learned those ones from Ma and God respectively.

Ahh, but what do those two know, the television tells a different tale.

If you’re white, you ain’t right.

Red Becomes Redder

This great divide is not just about race, it encompasses everything in society these days. All political views are manufactured to divide one sect of people from the other. During this transitional phase we are in, transgenderism became mainstream and openly accepted.

That is, by the nutters on the left.

On the other hand, Red America is becoming redder, Christians are clinching their Bibles like never before, and some are even picking them up. It seems, we have finally reached a point where we are not going to take it anymore.

So the Red States of America have passed legislation to set things back in order. To block transgenderism from polluting the next generation of youth. Red States continue to pass legislation to block transgender reassignment surgery.

Who can argue with this?

Only a radical liberal.

While we all have rights as people, no one has the right to self-mutilation. These are the efforts of people who have disturbed minds, and the rest of society is being trained to accept this as normal behavior. There is nothing normal about it, and more Red States agree.

In fact, on Friday, Tennessee passed legislation that prevents transgender men from participating in woman’s sports. Then we have a growing list of Red States that continue to ban abortion, being, the murder of the unborn.

This too, has increase the expanse of this great divide.

What was once a crack, has become a canyon.

“The Far Right Is The Problem”

This all comes at a time when a Supreme Court opinion “leaked,” revealing there is a good chance Roe v Wade will be overturned. The left has become infuriated by this. So infuriated, someone revealed the home addresses of the Supreme Court Justices.

The radicals wasted no time protesting in front of their homes.

We should realize, this is actually a felony punishable by time in the slammer.

Will the media acknowledge this?

Certainly not the far-left.

No, instead they are busy spinning their web of lies as always. According to CNN (timestamp: 3:18), it’s the far right that may burn down abortion clinics, all due to the Supreme Court ruling.

Does that make sense to you?

Me either.

To make matters worse, even our own government does not mind people protesting at the home of our Supreme Court Justices. Jen Psaki simply said, “the government has no position on the matter”.

Sure it does, we already cited it.

Comments like Psaki’s only show how political, politics have become.

Speaking of, Chicago’s Mayor hopped to the podium and Twitter to express her “outrage” at the Supreme Court draft opinion.

Say what?

“We will not surrender our rights without a fight—a fight to victory!”

Isn’t that promoting violence?

“This moment has to be a call to arms.”

A call to arms?

As in, guns…

Well, she’s in good company. Chicago has the most murders in our nation on a typical day. She knows right where to get um.

But yes, the far right is the problem.

The Future…

The year is no longer 2020.

The year is mid 2022.

As we can see, the division between every man and woman continues to grow. For two years, the radicals on the left went unopposed. Now that the right has had enough and is pushing back, it’s a problem.

If the tables were turned, as they have been so many times before. They would tell us, we are breaking the law. That, we are rebels who should be pushed out of our nation. Though we will never hear such calls from the media concerning the left.

Long ago we lost a free, open, and honest media. Two years ago we lost the right to speak freely on social media. This led to, yet another divide. Numerous social media platforms have arisen, and they all spin their audience into one political persuasion.

They send out their emails that pander to the right, clearly showing, that’s their focus.

Even if it’s just to make a buck.

True unity is a thing of the past.

This too, has fostered and resulted in a much deeper divide.

A divide that can no longer be bridged over, for there is now a canyon that separates the two sides. We were warned this could happen.

“And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.”

Mark 3:24

Will a United America stand?

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