Topic: Asia


IMF Suspends Afghanistan’s Access To Funds & Thoughts

The International Monetary Fund said on Wednesday it suspended Afghanistan’s access to IMF resources, including around $440 million in new monetary reserves, due to a lack of clarity over the country’s government after the Taliban


This Is Why Afghanistan’s Army Folded

In all of this, my mind continually wonders how it was possible for the Afghan Army, numbering at 330,000, and armed with billions in U.S. weapons… How could they fold up and run away once


The Biden Catastrophes

It’s safe to say, we are witnessing some of the worst catastrophes in American history, all at the same time. From the horrendous pullout in Afghanistan, to COVID-19, to the border crisis, to the economy,


The Taliban Takeover Of Afghanistan

Yesterday, Biden addressed the nation concerning the collapse of the Afganistan government. The failure of the Biden Administration is beyond words, in fact, it’s so bad even the left has turned on Biden. We are


Taliban Takes Over Afghanistan Upon U.S. Withdrawl

It’s all over the news. As the United States withdraws, the Taliban has completely taken over Afganistan, all without firing a shot. The world is shocked. We have a lot to cover today. The United