UK: You Might Be Banned From Venues Without Vaccine Passport

Supposedly, the United Kingdom will not make the Coronavirus vaccine mandatory. However, those who refuse the vaccine could be barred from entering stores, events, and so on.

Instead of the government enforcing a vaccine mandate, companies could opt to require individuals to have a vaccine certificate in order to say, jump on an airplane, go to the movies, or even enter a store.

The New York Post adds,

Nadhim Zahawi, the minister in charge of the UK’s vaccine rollout, said that information about whether people have received a coronavirus vaccine might become available on the phone app already used for contact tracing.

“But also I think you’d probably find that restaurants and bars and cinemas and other venues, sports venues, will probably also use that system as they’ve done with the app,” Zahawi told the BBC.

Friends, do not use these apps, and you certainly do not need to take your phone with you into these places.

Further, this is not just a United Kingdom problem, this is going to happen across the entire globe. In fact, Ticketmaster Plans Mandatory COVID Vaccine Verification Policy

Qantas Airways Requires Vaccination

We can easily see how this will come about. In fact, Australian Airliner Qantas became the first airliner to require passenger vaccination in order to travel.

Not surprising, Alan Joyce the CEO of Qantas Airways is also working with the World Economic Forum who is pushing The Great Reset.

It gets even better…

UK Govt To Roll Out ‘Vaccine Stamps’ In Passports By Next Year

Breitbart reports,

The British government is reportedly set to introduce vaccine stamps in passports by next year for those who have been inoculated against the Chinese coronavirus, ostensibly to boost the travel industry.

So more and more we are being pushed into a vaccine which is leading toward some form of identification that indicates you have been vaccinated.

We discussed this months ago in a few articles; Immunity Passports Are Real And Being Deployed, Global Digital Identification Is Coming: ID2020, and COVID Passports Begin On United Airlines.

None of these measures are being used to help any of us. They are simply being used to take away more of our rights by limiting what we can do, unless we have the proper identification and health records.

That is not freedom my friends.

This is a setup.

The vaccine identification systems being put in place are tied to global identification. That is where this is going. Vaccines and the scare of a virus are simply the tools being used to bring it all about.

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