Ukraine Gets Their Jets & The US Drone

Ukraine’s getting their jets, all four of them…

Try not to snicker.

Just yesterday, Poland announced they will send four Soviet-era Mig fighter jets to Ukraine. They become the first foolish NATO nation to do so.

Big whoop!

This is a highly symbolic gesture, just like the tanks Ukraine was promised to receive. This isn’t a video game. You cannot just send someone weapons and expect them to understand how to use and maintain them. Now in the case of the jets, Ukraine already uses them, but four?

It’s just another push to escalate the conflict.

That is, to garner more support from the international community.

Remember, just months ago, giving jets to Ukraine was seen as taboo. It was a significant indicator Russia would perceive the move as a direct threat to its existance. Now, it just happened. So it’s incrementalism, just like the frog in the pot you slowly boil without him ever realizing it.

In fact, it seems like everyone is attempting to escalate the conflict. Just the other day, a U.S. drone was downed, supposedly by a Russian aircraft over international waters.

So what do you think?

Personally, I don’t appreciate how they placed the colored snow on the screen and then cut back in later to show a damaged prop.

How do we know it’s the same incident?

Regardless, it’s clear the Russian jet made an unsafe approach. Russia denies hitting the drone, but it’s clear, by discharging fuel they were attempting to sabotage the drone in flight.

Now, if you step away from the two sides, and the propaganda the media displays for us. All this is doing is leading to more escalation and conflict. Millions of Americans have now seen this footage.

So what’s the real reason the footage was released?

To build the publics support for war.

The government never releases footage like this, only when there is an agenda in mind. That agenda is continuing to support Ukraine. Which has become the battle ground for the proxy war against Russia.

By the way, if you think God will bless the United States against its enemies you have another thing coming. This nation has utterly rejected God. They continually support sin and the destruction of child and family. God will not help deviants win any war.

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