UN: Decade Of Action, Leave No One Behind

In 2020, the United Nations celebrated its 75th anniversary. That kicked off “Common Agenda” which,

“Looks ahead to the next 25 years and represents the Secretary-General’s vision on the future of global cooperation and reinvigorating inclusive, networked, and effective multilateralism”.

They made sure to get all the buzz words in there, impressive!

Yes, this is all tied to Agenda 2030.

Decade Of Action

As I scrolled down that page, I found several articles on the right side of the page. One was titled, “Decade of Action”. Sounds interesting enough, click, what’s it say…

Ten years to transform our world

Creepy, what else?

The Sustainable Development Goals — our shared vision to end poverty, rescue the planet and build a peaceful world — are gaining global momentum.

With just 10 years to go, an ambitious global effort is underway to deliver the 2030 promise—by mobilizing more governments, civil society, businesses and calling on all people to make the Global Goals their own.

Did you catch that?

Mankind is going to “rescue the planet” from what?

Ourselves apparently.

Science tells us, earth has been around for 4.2 billion years, but us peons are going to save it.

Got it!

Make sure to note the points I placed in bold text. We are seeing this mobilization every single day now across our entire world. We all know it was spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic. That single event changed our entire world, by design I might add.

This next quote is why I say that. As you read it, understand, this quote was made pre-COVID.

Today, progress is being made in many places, but, overall, action to meet the Goals is not yet advancing at the speed or scale required. 2020 needs to usher in a decade of ambitious action to deliver the Goals by 2030.

The Decade of Action calls for accelerating sustainable solutions to all the world’s biggest challenges — ranging from poverty and gender to climate change, inequality and closing the finance gap.

You get it right?

The United Nations called for an acceleration of the Agenda 2030 initative. That’s what they are talking about. Agenda 2030 is all about globalization and unifying our world. Hence all those buzzwords.

You may notice, no date stamps are on that page.

That led to me wonder, when was the “Decade of Action” page created?

I decided to jump over to the Web Archive, and see when the first snapshot of this page was recorded, which was on January 21st, 2020. That was just as COVID-19 was beginning to unfold, just months before it was declared a “pandemic”.

In my opinion, COVID-19 was a major shifting point for this “Ambitious action to deliver the Goals by 2030”

As we all witnessed, nations took lock step action around the world to stop the spread of the virus with a 99.9% survival rate. It was certainly a coordinating event, at least, concerning the response to it.

Regardless of ones beliefs here, we have witnessed our world dramatically change over the last two years. It will continue to change, it is all apart of the Agenda 2030 plan.

Accelerating Inclusive Global Cooperation

As I continued to read the “Common Agenda” page, I noticed another article on the right side of the page. This one was called, “Accelerating Inclusive Global Cooperation” which was penned on September 2021.

So what’s it say?

The world is contending with multiple interconnected challenges ranging from global health threats and geopolitical tensions to massive digital transformation and accelerating climate change. These complex risks threaten to overwhelm existing multilateral institutions.

It reads as if these things popped up on their own.


These were all manufactured by men all in coordination with the United Nations.

Look at this.

Our Common Agenda is intended to accelerate a new kind of multilateralism. It is mandated by a UN Member States Declaration commemorating the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. The Secretary-General was explicitly requested to report back to Member States with recommendations to address current and future challenges to the UN General Assembly before the end of the 75th session in September 2021.

“A new kind of multilateralism” means a new government order for the world.

Who are the “U.N. Member States”?

You know, the 193 nations who belong to the United Nations…


They are the ones who are pressing this together. Don’t sit there and look at the United Nations as if it’s some evil monster. That is shifting accountability. It’s your government on the left and right who are a part of this global transformation.

If that were not true, then your government would have withdrawn from the United Nations long ago. If you want to prevent this sort of global change, then we need to take action as individuals and call for our elected representatives to take action.

They’re not all in on it.

How about a couple screenshots?


From Common Agenda

When you launch a project as an organization, you want to get all the stakeholders involved. It makes the project, “theirs” and ensures compliance. That is what we have been witnessing throughout our entire world.

Get the member states, thought leaders, young people, and talk about the issues of our time.

Brainwash is more like it.

They even steal the slogan from our own U.S. Constitution, “We The People(s),” they just make it plural.

Now let’s take a look at the United Nations 12 point plan.

Member States Identified 12 Areas Of Action

There it is, the United Nations 12 point plan.

Notice, one of the main points is to “Upgrade the United Nations”. You can read more about each of these plans by following that link.

You also notice, “Leave no one behind”.

They aren’t talking about the rapture doctrine that’s for sure.

Instead, the message is about unity, oneness, togetherness, peace, love, and harmony. Ahh, yes. A perfect world. There is only one problem, it will never be perfect as Jesus Christ will be left out. No world order like that will ever succeed. That’s why its demise is spoken of in Scripture.

When you talk to any freedom-loving person, they can see the hallmarks of this new global order emerging. It’s painted all across society today, but it’s all a lie, a facade to get you to agree to this new way of life.

Notice, one of the 12 points is to place “Woman and girls at the center”.

That’s a lie.

Instead, we are seeing women’s sports destroyed thanks to the inclusiveness of transgenderism.

Ensure sustainable financing” is another lie.

Look what the ideology of Modern Monetary Theory has done to the United States. Our nation and those around the world never stop printing money which has meant massive inflation for the citizenry.

The only ones who benefit are government and those at the very top of the ladder.

One more before we conclude, “Abide by international law & ensure justice”.

Another lie.

If you really want to boil down this new world order United Nations stuff. Then just read the 10 commandments engraved into the Georgia Guidestones.

It truly says it all. It’s the same message, just narrowed down.

Now, how about we close with a brainwashing video from the U.N.?

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