U.N. Has 110,000 Volunteers To Push ‘Approved’ COVID-19 Information Online

The United Nations has recruited 110,000 “volunteers” who will push pre-approved COVID-19 information online. This information will appear all over the place, but especially in social media circles where the people dwell.

Guess who the United Nations partnered with to make this happen?

The World Economic Forum, the same group pushing The Great Reset.

Of course, they are also working with other Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) including groups backed by… George Soros, so you know it’s going to be good (insert lots of sarcasm)!

The U.N. program is called #PledgetoPause which seeks,

“To mobilise experts and researchers, governments, influencers, civil society, businesses, regulators and the media” to stop what the UN deems to be “wrong information” regarding COVID-19.

Life Site News

That means it’s a brainwashing campaign.

Apparently, these “volunteers” already work for, I mean volunteer for YouTube as they deemed it necessary to ban our latest video. I will share the details of that with you later this week.


Life Site News provides more details.

#PledgetoPause is part of a larger project called “Verified,” which recruits participants to spread “verified content optimized for social sharing” produced by the UN communications department. The content is designed to be “front-and-centre in your social media feeds,” according to Fleming. She also has claimed that the United Nations is “working with social media platforms to recommend changes” to “help break the chain of misinformation.” 

In the end, this is all about conditioning the people to believe whatever they are told by “official” sources.

Moreover, it is about silencing any opposition by controlling various media channels. This is not about truth. This is about controlling what you see, think, and hear, so the only thing for you to believe is the message they present to you.

This is a major brainwashing operation that is not exclusive to just the United Nations. Every mainstream media channel is participating, there is a massive psychological operation underway around the globe to bring the world together under the guise of the common good.

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