United Nations Applauds Biden Bringing 4X More Refugees To U.S. As Trump

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi is praising President Joe Biden’s plan to bring four times as many refugees to the United States this year as former President Trump had planned.

In a statement this week, Grandi applauded Biden’s decision to increase the refugee resettlement cap for Fiscal Year 2021 to 62,500 — a more than 315 percent jump compared to the previously established cap of 15,000 refugees for the fiscal year.


Yes, let’s bring more people to America from impoverished lands who will help destroy it. These people have no allegiance to America, they know nothing about here and that is the idea. This helps erase America, the only nation whose people stand in the way of a completely globalized world.

I don’t know about you, but I can hear George Bush in my head,

‘We have to go over there to fight them, to keep them from coming here.’

What a load that was. We were given that line so America agreed to a war that still exists to this day. Yet, we invite the same people into our lands every single day. We don’t just invite them, we uproot them and bring them here providing them with government aid too boot!

Then factor in the never ending souther border crisis and it’s enough to make you pull your hair out.

When the United Nations is giving you kudos, you know you are working pretty hard for globalism. Then again, the United States has funded the United Nations nearly 30% of its budget since its inception, so why are we surprised.

By the way, one more little note you might want to jot down…

Refugee resettlement costs American taxpayers nearly $9 billion every five years, according to research, and each refugee costs taxpayers about $133,000 over the course of their lifetime. Within five years, an estimated 16 percent of all refugees admitted will need housing assistance paid for by taxpayers.

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