U.S. Birth Rate Plummets To Lowest Recorded Since 1930s: Census

According to the 2020 Census, the U.S. population as of April 1st 2020 was 331,449,281.

The population growth rate over the last decade is the slowest since the 1930s, when the 10-year growth rate was 7.3 percent as the U.S. faced the Great Depression.


Brookings has a nice population chart that goes back to the 1700s.

We should note, this population decline is tracked over a 10 year period. The data essentially came out before COVID-19 truly gripped our nation. Obviously, before the COVID-19 vaccines.

Why such a record breaking decline in births?

Societal Changes

In the 1950s, U.S. women averaged having nearly four babies each in their lifetimes. Today, women average fewer than two babies each. In 2020, there was a record-low 55.8 births per 1,000 women from ages 15 to 44.

Life Site News

Some of this decline can be attributed to changes in society. In the past, women stayed home and raised the children while the men went off to work. For decades now, both men and women have worked while children are raised in daycare facilities. There has been less focus on family, and more focus on wealth and possessions.

Where did these changes come from?

In the 1960s and 1970s, contraceptives and abortions became legal. This is around the time when the climate change movement began to gain steam. In those days, it was global cooling that turned into global warming. These alarmists warned the earth would become overpopulated, and these calls have led to these societal changes we have seen.

In the end, nothing has changed for the better. Our planet is worse off than ever and humanity is less… Human.

There are also reports of population declines in many other nations around the world. I absolutely attribute this to globalization. We know one of the goals of U.N Agenda 2030 is to reduce the global population of people to be ‘in balance with nature’.

This is why we are continually bombarded with environmental propaganda which in turn changes our lives, but certainly not for the better. No doubt, this trend will continue in our nation and around the world. Certainly as governments become more controlling, and free thought is eradicated.

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