Biden’s National Day Of Prayer Proclamation Does Not Include God Or Cite Scripture

Every election cycle our nation becomes more Godless. Each and every year we lose a little bit more of God at the national level. These days, God is only mentioned in order to gain political points. While some of our politicians will reference God, rarely do they ever run the office as a Christian.

This year’s Presidential Proclamation for the National Day of Prayer is even worse.

God and/or Scripture was never mentioned or cited.

How is that possible on the National Day of Prayer?

The opening statement from Biden’s Proclamation will help you understand.

Throughout our history, Americans of many religions and belief systems have turned to prayer for strength, hope, and guidance.

A Proclamation on National Day Of Prayer

Instead of referencing the one True God that even his faith professes, Biden cowers to all gods and belief systems. How disturbing, though we are not surprised.

Instead of quoting Scripture, Biden quotes a man. Something far too many Christians do these days.

Instead of trying to heal our nation, Biden pushes division on the day designed to heal our nation.

As we continue to confront the crises and challenges of our time — from a deadly pandemic, to the loss of lives and livelihoods in its wake, to a reckoning on racial justice, to the existential threat of climate change — Americans of faith can call upon the power of prayer to provide hope and uplift us for the work ahead.

A Proclamation on National Day Of Prayer

“Americans of faith”.

That means any faith. You can believe in this god, that god, or any god. It doesn’t matter if you are Joseph R. Biden. That is how far we have fallen as a nation. We cannot even mention the phrase God for fear of offending someone. We cannot even close a Proclamation or prayer in Jesus name as we have been instructed, (John 15:16).

I invite the citizens of our Nation to give thanks, in accordance with their own faiths and consciences, for our many freedoms and blessings, and I join all people of faith in prayers for spiritual guidance, mercy, and protection.

A Proclamation on National Day Of Prayer

If we are going to be this generic in our prayers and thoughts, why even bother?

This makes a mockery out of God. It is of a certainty, all faiths are not true. There are not many gods, not many would deny that. Yet, Biden professes if we pray to whichever god we believe in. We will be blessed and be granted spiritual guidance, mercy, and protection.

That is not possible, that is impossible, so why say such a lie?

Religion has far surpassed being a mockery at this point.

Is there now any doubt as to why so many are non-believers these days?

This moment we now live in is partially due to those who bend the knee to everyone who opposes God. By allowing those who hate God to have their way and providing them the power to do so.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” has never been more true, (Hosea 4:6).

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