U.S. Creates “Ministry Of Truth” While CDC Tracks Americans

Last week, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas revealed the U.S Government has created a “Disinformation Governance Board”. Better known as the “Ministry of Truth” from George Orwell’s “1984”.

Mayorkas said,

“The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat,” Mayorkas said, adding that the department is focused on the spread of disinformation in minority communities.

Fox News

What threat?

You know, ‘disinformation that targets minorities’.


  • Is the Federal Government saying, Caucasians are the perpetrators?
  • Is the Federal Government saying, “minorities” are dumb and cannot decipher truth from fiction?

I think Caucasians andminoritiesshould be outraged by the divisiveness of our government. They never unify, they only tear down. They pit each race and group against each other, when our real enemy is the government itself.

Meanwhile, Mayorkas admits over 1.4 million illegal immigrants have been released into the United States on Biden’s watch. Yet, a “Disinformation Governance Board” is a top priority. These vermin don’t give one hoot about the people. All they care about is power and wealth.

Look at this short clip of Mayorkas trying to explain his Ministry of Truth with CNN. If that CNN host really cared, she would ask him, “Why aren’t you worried about the border?”

That’s how you can tell who has salt or not, by who challenges the establishment.

The newly created “Disinformation Governance Board” will determine what is truth and what is fiction. They will eventually replace the fact-checkers that banned us and so many others from social media.

Who will fact check the government?

No one.

When a Republican takes power, will they dissolve the “Disinformation Governance Board”?

My Magic 8 Ball says,

“Outlook not likely”.

After all, it was George W. Bush who gave us the Department of Homeland Security that Mayorkas resides over to begin with. The same DHS that was created after 9/11, the same one who calls parents Domestic Terrorists.

Check this out,

“It can only be assumed that the sole purpose of this new Disinformation Governance Board will be to marshal the power of the federal government to censor conservative and dissenting speech,” Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri said in a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Thursday. “This is dangerous and un-American.”

Washington Examiner

Gee, ya think!

Yet, no one gave a damn during the last two years when the private “Ministry of Truth” was unleashed on the web. You know, the mainstream and social media outlets.

  • They banned anyone who opposed the COVID-19 narrative.
  • They banned anyone who questioned the vaccines.
  • They vilified anyone who questioned “authority”.

“Authority,” that’s just a term used to describe “official” gangsters. Our elected officials are no better than gangsters.

Think I’m lying?

  • Go check out the inflation numbers.
  • Go check out the raging war in Ukraine that we keep funding.
  • Recall the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. We left billions in arms.

It’s just organized that’s all, backed by the mouthpiece called the mainstream media to make you believe in their “authority” and “supremacy”.

But that’s not all…

Big money…

The likes of PayPal and credit card companies have also implemented their own “Ministry of Truth”. Apparently, MintPress news and others were banned by PayPal. No reason cited. I don’t read those sites, but people should have a right to say what they believe is true.

We listened to the CDC and our Federal Government lie and exaggerate COVID-19 for two flippin’ years, (the FBI is watching too)!

Speaking of the CDC…

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) bought access to location data harvested from tens of millions of phones in the United States to perform analysis of compliance with curfews.”


The CDC has been busy spying on you and your family. They wanted to make sure you stayed locked down in your home during the pandemic.

I found this interesting, since I once worked for a cellular phone company. I knew the government was spying on us during COVID, I told the wife back in 2020,

“You know, they can monitor every movement we are all making through our cell phones.”

Well, here’s it’s proven. I bet if I said that publicly back in 2020, it would have been deemed “misinformation”.

Ahh yes, what is “misinformation” yesterday is today’s truth!

It makes me want to puke.

So the moral of the story is, illegal immigrants have rights, but you do not. You pay your taxes and do what the government tells you. You conform to whatever the “truth” happens to be today, or you will be punished by your government.

Have we not seen that transpire these last two years?

Too bad the government has no such authority per our Constitution. The government does not get to become the “Ministry of Truth,” men have swung from the end of a rope for less serious crimes against the people.

Meanwhile, France signs new digital ID bill into law.

The fact of the matter is, this is all about control. It’s what we have been saying for years and years now. Everything is designed to control your mind and entertain your daily thoughts. This keeps us from taking action, this keeps us on defense when we should be on offense.

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