Canada’s Culture Of Death Now Euthanizes The Poor

As society continues its great move away from God, government policy becomes less humane.

This came front and center after reading, “Why is Canada euthanising the poor?” Unfortunately, that’s not even hyperbole. It’s real, factual, and disgusting.

Before we dive into the details, you need a little history.

  • In 1988, Canada decriminalized abortion. That was their first step toward devaluing human life.
  • In 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the nation’s ban on assisted suicide, calling it, “unconstitutional”.
  • In 2016, the Canadian Parliament enacted legislation allowing euthanasia, but only for people suffering from a terminal illness “whose deaths are reasonably foreseeable”.

Are you following the warped sense of progressive progression?

Enter March 17th, 2021, Parliament enacted Bill C-7, a brand new euthanasia law, for Canadians.

Look what we find in the summary,

Repeal the provision that requires a person’s natural death be reasonably foreseeable in order for them to be eligible for medical assistance in dying.”

That’s right, Canada removed the “terminal” provision in their euthanasia law. Now, as long as you meet all three of the following requirements, Canada will kill you, legally, on their dime.

  1. Have a serious illness, disease or disability (excluding a mental illness until March 17, 2023)
  2. Be in an advanced state of decline that cannot be reversed
  3. Experience unbearable physical or mental suffering from your illness, disease, disability or state of decline that cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable

Under conditions that you consider acceptable”.

That definition right there means, it’s subjective to the individual. What I would call “acceptable”, you may call “unacceptable”. This opens up assisted death to everyone, except the mentally ill, that is, until 2023.

Yup, in just one year, even those with mental illness will now be mentally capable of choosing their own death. My friends, this is utter insanity.

Yet, Bill C-7 did even more, it removed “safeguards”.

Instead of needing two independent witnesses to finalize a patient’s death request, now only a single witness is required, (see: safeguards 3.1 c). The former bill also had a 10-day reflection period, to ensure the patient did not change their mind. That was slashed out of Bill C-7, (see: safeguards 3.1 g).

It would seem the desire is to allow more citizens to opt for death instead of life.

As disturbing as it is, there are the legalities behind this find, but what about practical examples?

“Medical Assistance In Dying” Claims 22,000 Lives

As of 2020, “medical assistance in dying” (MAID) has accounted for nearly 22,000 deaths.

In fact, since the program’s inception back in 2016, the death numbers have nearly doubled year over year. Considering the newly relaxed laws we discussed, expect the amount of people opting for “MAID” to increase as the years carry on.

Yet, these are only numbers.

What about stories?

Legally Murdering The Poor

These three items come from the Spectator article.

  1. “A woman in Ontario was forced into euthanasia because her housing benefits did not allow her to get better housing which didn’t aggravate her crippling allergies.”
  2. “Another disabled woman applied to die because she ‘simply cannot afford to keep on living’.”
  3. “Another sought euthanasia because Covid-related debt left her unable to pay for the treatment which kept her chronic pain bearable – under the present government, disabled Canadians got $600 in additional financial assistance during Covid; university students got $5,000.”

I had to read more about these details, so I opened the first link in item #1.

The article reads,

“A 51-year-old Ontario woman with severe sensitivities to chemicals chose medically-assisted death after her desperate search for affordable housing free of cigarette smoke and chemical cleaners failed, advocates say.”

The woman in question said,

““The government sees me as expendable trash, a complainer, useless and a pain in the a**,” ‘Sophia’ said in a video filmed on Feb. 14, eight days before her death, and shared with CTV News by one of her friends.”

Is this how we now treat the poor?

Do you see how opening the door to abortion led to this moment?

It didn’t come here instantly, it was slowly over time. Yet, we are here now. Even more importantly, we are here as we kicked God out of our lives.

Even reading through all this material, I had trouble digesting this as being real. So I opened the link in item #2.

Here’s the story there,

“Susan explains her reasons for requesting MAID are precisely those that the proponents of it have insisted would never be motivation. She says she has dietary restrictions making food banks an inaccessible option, and a livable income is literally a matter of life and death. “An increase [in income support] is the only thing that could save my life. I have no other reason to want to apply for assisted suicide, other than I simply cannot afford to keep on living.””

Heart wrenching, and yet another heart wrenching story.

Canada, a first-world nation is murdering its poor in the name of being “humane”. The reality here is, the MAID program costs taxpayers just $2,327 per “case”. It’s cheaper to just kill off the poor and feeble, than to help care for them.

Forget about their good years, we only look at the now.

My friends, while not explicitly stated, this is all tied to the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030.

Minors Are Decision Makers

If we look at the other end of the spectrum, there is already talk in Canada about allowing “mature minors” access to euthanasia.

In fact,

Netherland’s current policy on assisted dying for children, where there is a minimum age criterion of 12 years of age, and in Belgium’s policy on assisted dying for minors, where there is no age criterion.”

This continues a disturbing trend that opens the door for euthanasia to everyone.

Yes, in today’s modern world, minors can not only decide if they want to self mutilate themselves by “gender reassignment surgery,” they can also choose to end their own life.

My Lord in Heaven, little by little, day by day, we are destroying ourselves.


This has been the most disturbing article I have ever written.

This is not a movie, this is real life, this is reality. This is what happens when we leave God. This is the danger of evolutional thinking. When we leave God, we forget the fact that we are created in His image, (Genesis 1:26-27). We are then led to believe we miraculously evolved from slime.

We then believe we are nothing but mere bags of flesh, walking under the sun for a time. When we accept the fallacy of evolution, our very existence means nothing at all.

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