US, NATO Green Light War Against Russia

No one is saying it out loud, but it’s quite obvious, the West is waging war against Russia.

The latest comes as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken ‘green lighted’ Poland sending MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine.

U.S. Aggression

That’s not the worst part…

“In fact, we’re talking with our Polish friends right now about what we might be able to do to backfill their needs,” Blinken said. “If, in fact, they choose to provide these fighter jets to the Ukrainians… We’re in very active discussions with them about that.”

Face the Nation

Did you catch that?

The United States would “backfill” Poland’s Air Force by providing F-16s as replacements.

We are all grown ups here.

These are dishonest and underhanded tactics children do to cover their own ill deeds. It is a fact, the United States is driving the escalation here. We have no skin in Ukraine, unless the concern is NATO cannot expand into Ukraine, which seems to be the case.

Nevertheless, this fighter jet swap does not just apply to Poland.

The U.S. is considering sending American-made F-16s as backfill to former Soviet bloc countries in Eastern Europe that are now members of NATO and those countries would then send Ukraine their own Soviet-era MiGs, which Ukrainian pilots are trained to fly.



Those countries would essentially have to give their MiGs to Ukraine and accept an IOU from the U.S. for the F-16s.

These actions indicate to me, the United States has openly declared war on Russia. The United States is the one offering the fighter jet swap, in order to get more fighter jets into Ukrainian hands.


The Ukrainian Air Force is decimated.

Poland Rebuffs

In an odd twist, as Blinken “green-lighted” the fighter jet exchange with Poland…

Poland calls it fake news!

Poland won’t send its fighter jets to #Ukraine as well as allow to use its airports. We significantly help in many other areas.”

Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki

So what’s the reality?

Who knows right now…

One thing is clear, Blinken went on national television and made the statements as quoted above. Poland’s quote comes right from their Twitter account.

Someone is lying, once again.

Perhaps, Poland is afraid to publicly address it, out of fear of reprisal from Russia. Or perhaps, the United States is pressing the issue, to make it seem like a foregone conclusion.

One thing is clear, Russia will know if these jets are transferred.

In fact, as this topic has been surfacing for the last few days, we have this bit…

Russia Threatens

Just two days ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin said of crippling Western economic sanctions,

These sanctions that are being imposed are akin to a declaration of war but thank God it has not come to that.

Radio Free Europe

That’s not the threat I was talking about.

That was to let you know, Putin knows what’s going on. The only people being played for fools are those listening to the government and media without questioning it.

Here’s the threat…

Russia’s Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov just said,

“We know for sure that Ukrainian combat aircraft have flown to Romania and other neighbouring countries.

The use of the airfield network of these countries for basing Ukrainian military aviation with the subsequent use of force against Russia’s army can be regarded as the involvement of these states in an armed conflict.”

The Straits Times

It’s obvious right?

Ukrainian aircraft have flown into nearby nations in order to refuel and rearm.

This is an act of war by those nations against Russia. In fact, providing arms to Ukraine in any fashion is an act of war. It is war by proxy, that is still war.

If you are fighting a guy, and someone hands him a gun, you now have two enemies.

If the West was not pouring more aid into Ukraine, they would have fallen already. The added death toll is due to power-hungry world leaders who must institute the liberal Western power structure globally, under the guise of NATO expansion.

It is clear to me, the West is provoking Russia into an armed conflict.

In case you are wondering, Romania, and Poland are NATO allies.

As a reminder, if any NATO ally is attacked, Article 5 is invoked which means,

An attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies.


In light of this latest Poland fighter jet story. I want you to remember, the U.S. has already sent $500 million in aid to Ukraine.

By the way, the word “aid” in this context is a euphemism that means, “provide weapons of war” to kill and maim more men who were made in the image of God.

This entire conflict is like a movie playing out before our eyes. Movies always have scripts you know.

Zelensky Instigates

Ukrainian President Zelensky has done a marvelous job of instigating the conflict. There are no innocent leaders in this conflict, but the amount of propaganda coming from Zelensky cannot be easily glossed over.

Days ago Zelensky said,

  • Russia wanted to kill the Jews all over again, (not true).
  • Then, Russia waged “nuclear terror” by attacking a power plant, (false flag).
  • Now, the West is responsible for dead Ukrainians.

In fact, the word “false flag,” and its notion has been thrown around more than I can keep track of. Nevertheless, the latest Zelensky instigation came just yesterday when he said.

I just heard the report on the missile strike at Vinnytsia 8 missiles. Against our city, against our peaceful Vinnytsia, which has never posed a threat to Russia in any way. A brutal, cynical missile strike has completed destroyed the airport. They continue total destruction of our infrastructure, out life built by us, our parents, and grandparents, generations of Ukrainians.

We repeat every day; “close the sky over Ukraine!”. Close it for all Russian missiles, Russian combat aircraft, for all these terrorists. Make a humanitarian air zone. Without rockets, without air bombs. We are people and it is your humanitarian duty to protect us, protect people. And you can do it.

If you do not do that, if you at least do not give us aircraft for us to be able to protect ourselves, there can only be one conclusion: You also want us to be slowly killed. This is also the responsibility of the world’s politicians, Western leaders. Today and forever.

Ukrainian President Zelensky

That was a guilt trip.

That was the very definition of the entitlement attitude.

That is the generational attitude the West has fomented. If you do not “protect us,” and “give us,” then you are to blame for my problems. That is the cancer of the liberal ideology that has been created by the liberal world order. It’s playing out right before your eyes.

Can you see it?

Zelensky’s message is being relayed into the media, right onto American television sets by the minute. To tug on our hearts, and persuade us to support war, to support another war.

You should know, a “no fly-zone” is not a “humanitarian” effort. A “no fly-zone” means nothing can fly in the air. It means the United States would attack any Russian aircraft flying in Ukraine. It’s war by another name.

Putin addressed this specifically saying,

Any move in this direction. That very second, we will view them as participants of the military conflict, and it would not matter what members they are.”

CBS News

The Propaganda

The propaganda is real!

Look at the latest coming out of Fox News in this video.

Brigadier General Blaine Holt, retired I might add, said of the Russian military,

The danger is when they (Russian military) fail they turn to acts of desperation against civilians. Terrorizing the population and infrastructure as you are seeing now as a result of their failures.

The Fox News host reaffirmed the statement by telling the audience,

Unfortunately, that is exactly what we are seeing.

The sheeple then all nod at home in agreement.

Forget the fact Russia has a cease-fire in place, and they have implemented safety corridors for civilians. Yet, Ukraine has rebuffed the safety corridors since some lead to Belarus or Russia.

Are we interested in protecting lives or are we interested in playing politics?

More Propaganda

The media would now like you to believe, U.S. veterans have seen enough. They are packing their bags and headed to Ukraine to join their “international legion” program. Yup, our former men and women in uniform are going to shed their blood for Ukraine against Russia.

Give me a break.

How many, the one in the story?

If this was true, they certainly would have been willing to shed their blood against the illegal COVID lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates. So I call this, more fake news.

Nevertheless, the horrors of war, the instigation by Zelensky and so much more is beginning to sway the mind of your average American.

According to Reuters/Ipsos Poll,

37% of Americans now believe:

  • US troops should fight against Russia.
  • US airstrikes should be used against Russia.

In a separate Rasmussen poll, 49% of Americans said yes when asked, “If a wider war breaks out in Europe, should the U.S. military be involved?”

My Lord in Heaven, this is insanity!

For what people?

As you can see, brainwashing is very effective. Give it another couple of weeks, and those numbers might be into the 50s and 60s respectively. Exactly what the globalists want.


War is a horrible thing, people are dying left and right.

No side is the good side.

Yet, our nation is partially responsible for this bloodshed as it continues to fund the war. They are partially responsible for pressing NATO in Ukraine and refusing to negotiate the terms with Russia.

Then we sit back and call Putin a “madman” as we were instructed by the media. The media even insinuated Putin might have cancer, so he is taking it out on the world. Moreover, that means we should get involved to stop his irrationality.

Forget about Biden’s.

Blatant propaganda.

I will tell you one thing, if I was in Putin’s shoes, you would certainly consider my actions those of a madman. Ahh and don’t you go thumping your Bible at me, I thump back.

God had the Israelites kill thousands upon thousands of people. Then when the Israelites served other gods, God told Moses to crucify the rebels to make an example of them.

Numbers 25:4-5
4 And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel.

5 And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye every one his men that were joined unto Baalpeor.

Our nation long ago went the way of Cain, (Jude 1:11).

We promote every false god under the sun, even the unknown god, (Acts 17:23). We are no righteous nation, and God is certainly not on our side. We openly support homosexuality and every other sin, and call it free choice.

God calls it blasphemy.

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