Wall Street Is Gearing Up To Buy Your House — And Lease It Back To You

There are an estimated 2.4 to 5 million American households that will receive an eviction notice or have their home foreclosed on come January. The Federal government allowed these households to skip their payments due to COVID-19. This is called forbearance.

While the Federal Government may extend the program, how long can they continue to manipulate the markets? I suppose as long as the Federal Reserve is able to buy $120 billion dollars worth of bonds every month.

In light of this housing news,

A growing group of Wall Street owners of single-family rental homes have ramped up their fundraising in anticipation of the millions of Americans who could be forced to turn over or sell their homes amid the financial stress of the pandemic.

Business Insider

For the Americans who have a mortgage, instead of kicking them out of their home, these groups have a new alternative.

The chance to stay put while tapping the cash locked in the value of their home.

The proposition is called,

“Sale leaseback” transactions, in which homeowners sell the company their property, then rent it back.

Do you see the big picture here?

You still lose your home.

You no longer “own” it. Investment firms will hold all interests in your now-former property, only granting you the right to live there until your equity runs out.

Then you will be forced to move out, or pay rent. Just like anyone else.

Since many anticipate a record number of foreclosures on the horizon. I can see many Americans latching onto this idea. It will keep their family in place and make them feel secure, but they just gave away a piece of their future. This will also help prop up the housing market.

When I thought about this article, it truly reminded me of Agenda 2030. It also reminded me of an article written by the World Economic Forum back in 2016. It was titled, Welcome To 2030. I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy, And Life Has Never Been Better.

Sound familiar?

That is the goal here.

For people the world over to own nothing, to pay subscriptions, and rent everything. People are looked at as monetization opportunities from a business perspective, it is truly disturbing to consider and witness.


These are further indicators that 2021 will change from concern over COVID-19, to finance. While they will stretch COVID-19 out some more, the heralded vaccine may be perceived as the savior.

Never forget, the entire point of this manufactured crisis was not a vaccine. It was always about finance and control.

Remember that.

Do not become sidetracked with vaccine this and that. It is only a mechanism used to bring about more control over you. COVID-19 itself was used to collapse the global economy.

If my gut feeling is right, 2021 will be worse than 2020, and focus on finance.

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